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Amazingly Competent Heavy Equipment Operator

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I like to think that I'm pretty confident with just about any machine anyone can put in my hands. Operating machines of any sort has always come very naturally to me.

Well, after seeing the YouTube video below I now know that I'm just a rank amateur. This guy is one confident operator!




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If I recall correctly, a team of engineers came up with this idea during the course of a lunch break to break the monotony and to showcase their engineering prowness. There's no useful application for it. It was just for fun.


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If I recall correctly, a team of engineers came up with this idea during the course of a lunch break to break the monotony and to showcase their engineering prowness. There's no useful application for it. It was just for fun.



It kind of figures that some engineers would dream this kind of stuff up and then let some poor lower-paid snuffy execute it. If it hadn't worked he would have been toast and they would have said, "Oops!"



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I tend to agree, it would be hard to break loose completely. At the end, after he extended the main ram fully... if that hose burst, he would come down hard against the tower and who knows what would happen. Bonus points to the announced with the red overcoat who stood directly underneath the machine near the end.

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