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In December, we lost a home inspector from MA named Mark Forkey. He was a great friend and I don't know anyone who loved being a home inspector more. He served in VietNam and was one of the many soldiers exposed to Agent Orange who later contracted Leukemia.

Yesterday, Ron Pazzanese, the only guy who would bother to speak with me at my first ASHI meeting died. Ron was a force of nature and one of the most passionate, opinionated guys you'll ever come across. No matter how bombastic he was, I found him impossible not to like.

Both men left their mark on ASHI NE and their families and both will be sorely missed.

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Lots of good folks passing.

We're a profession that most folks, unlike Jimmy, enter later in life; so we probably see more folks leaving us than some professions.

Jimmy, take solace in the fact that right now they're probably doing what they love and are inspecting the facilities of where they are now.



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