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OR- trap weir.. min/max. depth?

Brandon Whitmore

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What about 1005, blind boy?

Holy crap-- I read this chapter 3 times before posting[:-paperba

Plus, I'm only visually challenged.........


I think I'm getting out of practice inspecting since I took this new job. I've had to look up way too many codes today that I should remember. It seems like as I take in new info. my pea brain kicks out other basic stuff....

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What about 1005, blind boy?

Holy crap-- I read this chapter 3 times before posting[:-paperba

Plus, I'm only visually challenged.........


I think I'm getting out of practice inspecting since I took this new job. I've had to look up way too many codes today that I should remember. It seems like as I take in new info. my pea brain kicks out other basic stuff....

I know what you mean. The pie only has so many slices, and when you squeeze a new one in, another pops out somewhere else.

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