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Family Cemetery

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Isn't the first one I ran into. There's quite of few of these small old cemeteries around Central Kentucky.

This one was at the back of the house I inspected this afternoon, at the top of the knoll just off the 13th green of the golf course.

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Born in 1817 - Died in 1891. Long life for back then.


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Eighteen years ago I found a 600 year-old clay pot on a sloped ditch cut beside a road not a half mile from my house. It was in approx 40 pieces, so many I had to look around for a littered drinking cup to hold them all. When I got home and cleaned off the dirt, the pieces began to fit together, until I had every piece I had picked up glued together to make about 2/3 of the original vessel.

Photos shown to an archeologist brought his reply that the makers may have spoken Hichiti or Creek, that the woods were full of them at that time, that my find indicated a homesite most likely. I will post photo when I find it on the other computer.

There is, of course no trace of the "community" now.

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Wow. That's cool.

Archaeologists are determining that there were substantially communities throughout America that our conventional history tends to minimize.

The "city" of Cahokia by St. Louis supposedly had tens of thousands of residents, surrounded by thousands of square miles of reasonably developed agriculture. CW says it was empty plains land.

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