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Kenmore, WA/January 10, 2012

Washington State DOL has just announced the tentative dates for all board meetings for the year 2012.

Full board meetings will be held on March 15th, June 14th, September 13th and December 6th 2012.

Locations for the meeting are based on availability and the meetings are not always held at the same place. Those wishing to attend the meetings should check to see if the location and agenda have been published on the DOL website well in advance of the meeting. Individual sub-committee meetings and locations are not locked in at the beginning of the year. Sub-committee chairmen usually determine during formal meetings when/if sub-committee meetings will be necessary and are required to announce sub-committee work meetings about two weeks in advance via the DOL website. As of this writing, there are no sub-committee meetings scheduled yet for the first quarter 2012.

Those inspectors interested in attending meetings to voice concerns and offer suggestions for improvement for the Home Inspector Licensing Program in Washington State are encouraged to attend. If inspectors send their questions/concerns/opinions in writing to DOL early enough in each quarter, they will usually see those issues addressed at that quarter's meeting. However, board agendas are locked in about two to three weeks before each meeting; so sometimes issues are not placed on the agenda if the agenda is already too full. In those cases, the issue submitted will be addressed the following quarter.

Inspectors interested in knowing about sub-committee work tasks should contact the program manager and monitor the DOL website frequently for sub-committee meeting announcements. Those inspectors who've submitted material to DOL, and want to be present during the discussion to offer input, should check with DOL in advance of the meeting to ensure their issue(s) are on the agenda prior to traveling to the meetings.

For more information, contact Rhonda Myers, Program Manager at 360-664-6487, or email her directly at rmyers@dol.wa.gov, or visit the DOL inspectors' website at http://www.dol.wa.gov/business/homeinspectors/ .


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