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Ridin' the roller coaster - when's it gonna end?

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What a crazy, up and down year this has been as far as inspection volume. It started off like the previous few years, then dropped off a cliff in March and April. Those months had half the numbers of the previous year. I think some of it was because of price shoppers. Luckily I normally get few cancellations, but for some reason had a bunch of them those two months. By the end of April, I was beginning to feel a little panicky. I almost considered offering a discount, something that I'm dead set against. Luckily, I didn't do it.

Things picked up in May, coming back to nearly what the previous year's numbers were. The rest of this year, every month but one was up. December was spectacular, more than doubling what I did in 2010

Things have fallen off a cliff again. My last inspection was December 22 and I have nothing booked. I'm not that worried, because over the past 12 years, I've averaged only two inspections between Christmas and New Year. I guess this is just one more dip on this roller coaster ride that eventually will level off and coast back into the station. Here's to 2012. [:-party]

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I have had an uptick is business over the last two weeks. The week before Christmas I did 6 inspection, this week I had 5, and next week I have 2 scheduled.

This is not normal for this time of the year, but I hope the trend continues.

Over all 2011 was about the same or maybe a little better then 2010.

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Funny thing, I thought I was quite a bit ahead of my previous year and when I totaled the jobs, I was up by 11. I think I had a few months that just went crazy busy and the others were the norm for this market. I was busy up until before Christmas and now crickets with one job this week and one scheduled so far for next. This is pretty common for me. Time for some military reserve duty I guess!

Happy and prosperous New Year to all of you!

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