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Christmas and holidays!


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Christmas seems to be the time of the year I spend more time being thankful and really feeling a little "more" blessed than during the remainder of the year.

I am thankful for everyone that participates here, their comments, thoughts, criticisms, ETC!


Be safe.

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For those who celebrate it with me:


For those who celebrate in other ways:


And Here's a neat slide show about Christmas

"So This is Christmas" Song & Slideshow

I don't know how to start it automatically so it's a download from my file manager on my web server.

I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I do.

Happy New Year. May it be a good one.

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I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year.

I am a prolific lurker on this board and have learned an incredible amount from everyone. Because of this board and all of you I am a better inspector.

One of my new year resolutions is to participate more on the board.

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Thanks, Les, for your great thoughts and wishes.

I am certainly thankful I stumbled into TIJ. It's been a real pleasure getting schooled here regarding every aspect of our profession, by the best gang of fellow inspectors on the net. What a priceless journey it's been.

Wishing all an outstanding Christmas and New Year.

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