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For shop heat ....Happiness is a warm Radio

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Thinking of my uncle Joe.. (Amaral)

Kilowatt One, Whiskey Alpha Papa.. (Silent key a few years ago). K1AWP. ARRL "A-1 Operator" (CW) SSB, etc, etc.

Seabees/Peleliu Invasion 1944 (Palau Group)

He had some cool gear, a huge windmill type tower for his antennas and was a very active ham from WW2 on until just before his death. His gear had that USN-look to it.. all the great brands of gear on the desk.. (Hallicrafters, etc). Mil-standard stuff. Hams were the first to coin the phrase 'net'... or 'web'.. They created thousands of 'nets' (sort of like internet forums) and they'd meet and discuss stuff.. Always with gentlemanly conduct and professional. No malarkey.. many were WW2 vets.

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