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"This goal can be accomplished by utilizing the protocol of the Uniform Home Inspector’s Code Bookâ„¢. The HICBâ„¢ defines a home inspector’s duty¹ as:

· To prepare a written report on the "conditions" of the visible and accessible components of a dwelling.

· A "condition" indicates, (in the judgment or evaluation of the inspector), that the performance of a component is outside the typical "norms" for that component, (as defined in the Code Bookâ„¢)."

What the hell is the Uniform Home Inspector Code Book?

Geeeezus, I feel soiled after reading through their site. Who are these guys?

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Well, I just skimmed through the lot of articles. Oh my......

Let's see; we're not supposed to reference codes, we shouldn't use the word "defect", we should not provide directives to our customers, and in all cases, we should be compassionate & caring to all parties to the transaction before we think of anything else.

I wonder if the guy is aware that his ideas are in direct conflict w/ the SOP of every HI organization & also conflict w/ the SOP of the licensing act in my state? Bizarre.....

Also permanently an outsider to the transaction,


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The guy who wrote the articles also wrote the UNIFORM HOME INSPECTOR"S CODE BOOK. What a way to earn a living...

I wonder what Association he belongs to....

Bill Ball is a skilled and inspirational instructor, author, columnist, and call-in talk-radio host. Bill has over 35 years experience in all phases of construction and real estate with experience in the construction of more than 1,800 custom homes including architectural design, construction, financing, marketing, and inspection. For the last 15 years he has focused on the field and is proud to call himself a Home Inspector. Bill is publisher of the UNIFORM HOME INSPECTOR’S CODE BOOKTM.

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I'm told that Bill Ball is one of the co-founders of the American Institute of Inspectors (AII), which is based out of a Portland, OR suburb.

I don't know how accurate it is, but, according to a source I know, the association was originally started in California and had pretty good growth for a number of years and then stagnated. I'm told that stagnation had something to do with a conflict between where Mr. Ball wanted to take the organization and others who had other ideas. Mr. Ball was sort of deposed from high office about the time they were down to less than 40 inspectors, and HQ was moved from California to Oregon, at which time it began growing again "under new management" and has more than doubled in size over the past couple of years.

I understand that Mr. Ball was also somewhat involved in a king of ugly brouhaha between inspectors in Sacremento, California a few years ago after hearings involving proposed home inspection legislation in that state. Again, this is the source's point of view.

Perhaps there are one or two TIJ readers who are AII members and visit here but haven't posted that know more about Mr. Ball's involvement with AII and can provide more accurate information?

As far as the "Code Book" goes, I saw it at the NAHI conference and leafed through it. I think it is just putting fuel in the hands of realtors who care to argue with inspectors about every little thing, and gives realtors the idea it is written by some sort of home inspection guru.

Mr. Ball is clearly a very experienced and knowledgeable home inspector, but he is one guy who has operated primarily in the far west and I think it is wrong-headed to think that the attitudes and perceptions of home buyers, sellers, real estate folks and inspectors everywhere should somehow be molded into a homogenous, realtor-friendly mix. Notice I did not use a capital R for realtor? It's a made-up word that some - not all - real estate folks bestowed upon themselves. Why should it be capitalized? How about if I coin a word for our profession? How about Inspectigator.

I think we've all experienced the manipulative agent who continually interrupts us with, "Well, it's been done to code," in an effort to derail our pointing out a safety concern, and giving them anything that lends the perception that there are rules poured in cement for inspectors, which facilitates their interference with what we do, is problematical.

As far as AII goes - I've attended one of AII's semi-annual conferences down in Portland. It was extremely well coordinated and the training presented was, for the most part, on a par with the ITA conference fare that I've seen. They were a very energetic group of inspectors and I especially liked the way the old-timers were taking new inspectors under their wings and working with them. I didn't sense any candidate vs. member tensions.

Mr. Ball was a vendor and a presenter at that conference and he was also a vendor at the NAHI conference that was held in Portland the following year.



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