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So I have been a Verizon customer for many years but now I am faced with the prospect of being limited on my data plan and I want to buy new I Phone 4S for my wife and kids. I am about to jump to Sprint because it is much less for me to have 4 phones with unlimited data. My needed service area is 99.9% in NJ, NYC, and Boston. Can anyone give me a good reason not to switch?

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I can't speak for the east coast but I know in my area, Verizon has the best coverage. Not the best plans, but the best coverage, especially in the boonies.

There it is, coverage is key. You can have a network with blazing speeds, but if you can't connect it does you no good to have high access speeds and unlimited data plans.

In the hills here in NE Kansas AT&T beats them all for coverage. Sad thing there, a lot of city people with their Cricket and Wal-Mart phones come out here in the boonies and have nothing. Verizon, Sprint is spotty and T-Mobil only works along the interstate and sometimes from the tops of hills. So other than AT&T your only other choice of connectivity is a sat phone and that can be iffy also, just like GPS reliability.

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My wife and I both just got the 4s with verizon. Southern CT has the best service from them. The 3g speed is very adequate. At&t quality in our area is poor. No substitute for the best.

I have also been very happy with Verizon. The big difference is that Sprint will cost me $1500 less per year and I will not have any limits on the data plan. Just want to see what people think about Sprint in this area.

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My wife and I both just got the 4s with verizon. Southern CT has the best service from them. The 3g speed is very adequate. At&t quality in our area is poor. No substitute for the best.

I have also been very happy with Verizon. The big difference is that Sprint will cost me $1500 less per year and I will not have any limits on the data plan. Just want to see what people think about Sprint in this area.

So, that's only two inspections.

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My wife and I both just got the 4s with verizon. Southern CT has the best service from them. The 3g speed is very adequate. At&t quality in our area is poor. No substitute for the best.

I have also been very happy with Verizon. The big difference is that Sprint will cost me $1500 less per year and I will not have any limits on the data plan. Just want to see what people think about Sprint in this area.

So, that's only two inspections.

I pay just over $1500 a year to verizon for 2 lines and no data. A $1500 annual savings would reflect what my plan is actually worth.

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My wife and I both just got the 4s with verizon. Southern CT has the best service from them. The 3g speed is very adequate. At&t quality in our area is poor. No substitute for the best.

I have also been very happy with Verizon. The big difference is that Sprint will cost me $1500 less per year and I will not have any limits on the data plan. Just want to see what people think about Sprint in this area.

So, that's only two inspections.

True, but I would much rather spend it on my family and not going to Verizon. I also don't know how much extra the cost will be when we use more than the allowable data.

When I look at my annual expenses I am amazed at how much I now spend on communication. Items like TV, Internet, and telephone are now a major budget item.

It was not too long ago that I had a monthly phone bill and that was it. The free TV reception was from an antenna, cell phones were not available to most, and the internet was for the government. The only extra communication was the CB set in your car to hear about the speed traps from the truckers. "Breaker, Breaker"

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My contract with Verizon is up and I'm thinking about jumping the fence.

Several missed calls for inspections, with messages received a half an hour later while other calls get through. I lost those jobs. Those are the ones I know about.

Text messages that show up in triplicate to the person I sent them to, that I'd be bagged for had I not been told about it.

I had a friend try to call me three times while standing next to me because he couldn't reach me earlier from his house. Never a probem before or since. Finally got through on the fourth attempt.

Cut My hand bad enough to not be able to drive myself to the hospital for stitches. I made several calls to a land line for a ride, and kept getting a recording that said the wireless customer I was trying to reach was unavailable. A land line I call very often. We had a little talk about that one while I waited for my stitches. Got nothing but lip service and a we don't know why.

None of it had anything to do with coverage. It's all about reliability.

Has anyone else had a similar experience with them?

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