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Rapt attention!

Ben H & Bain. Ezra was there too, hiding in the corner of the second photo!

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With profound sincerity . . . I have to report . . . well, that . . . . my usual bullshit aside, Bill totally rocked.

His was the final presentation of a two-day seminar, and the typical yawning, shuffling of feet and general impatience 'cause people couldn't wait to get out of the room never occurred. Instead, all those in attendance hung on every word and didn't act as if they really wanted to leave when the final school-bell rang--despite stiff backs, sore bums and the general surliness engendered by two days of sitting in uncomfortable chairs.

I, of course, when the presentation was over and Bill was being showered with compliments, said, "I thought it sucked, but I'm certain we can come up with a way to improve it." Those words engendered mixed glares of hatred and disbelief from everyone but Bill, who smiled and said something like, "You know, that's pretty much what I would have expected you to say."

Well done, Bill.


Yeah, it was awesome. I'm sure it was just another day in the brain of Bill, but I learned more in 3 hours with him than I did whole two days. Thanks again, I sure hope we can talk you into coming back.


The country has some great National Treasures in it's old houses and buildings; Us Home Inspectors have a National Treasure in Bill Kibble, now we've got to figure out how to preserve him for future generations. He said he liked Kentucky Bourbon! Lets get together and buy a barrel of Bourbon and keep him in it between presentations.


I think Ben might be asleep in that pic:)

Na, just the result of late night with those guys, and an early morning class. 4 hours of sleep makes you look like a zombie.


My functions at the KREIA conferences keep me on my feet moving around most of the time. I can usually see two or three of the hundred or so nodding off and sleeping.

During Bill's presentation, I didn't see ANYONE nodding off.

As I said above, rapt attention.

Really glad you could come Bill. Got a lot of good feedback from the guys about your presentation.

Not sure how good Bill would preserve, pickled in Kentucky Bourbon.

I hope Ezra and Bill both have a safe trip back home.


Put me down for two jars of pickled Kibbel. One for me and one for our next educational seminar. [:)]

Did a one day session on Saturday, about 140 CAHPI(BC) greyheads. From the rear, we all looked like you all.


I really, really enjoyed visiting Kentucky and with the terrific (friendly and smart) group of inspectors. Erby and his crew run a very professional conference. Regarding the TIJ guys that attended, it's kinda weird and great to meet guys you already "know" for the first time.

On the way out, I stopped at a certain Bourbon distillery. I suggested that my fondness for one of their products could probably be identified as a significant factor in their gross receipts. I explained that I should probably be rewarded with an 8-year-old barrel of Basil Hayden's. They politely disagreed but assured me that they will continue the tradition and quality of that small batch bourbon, just for me. If I get back to KY, I'll go to Maker's Mark and see if they have my barrel.


4 hours of sleep makes you look like a zombie.

Excuse me, but I resemble that remark. Been sleeping 4 hours a night for about twenty years.

Seriously though, wish I could have attended to hear the Kibbelman speak. Bet it was wondrous.



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