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Lock Box keys

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I have a Realtor that wants me to have my own lock box key. I need whatever the Realtors use here in Arizona. I'm told that I might have to join the MLS and then buy the lock box key and or electronic key. Can someone please help me with who to contact in Arizona and where to start.


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Originally posted by Paul Tejan

I have a Realtor that wants me to have my own lock box key. I need whatever the Realtors use here in Arizona. I'm told that I might have to join the MLS and then buy the lock box key and or electronic key. Can someone please help me with who to contact in Arizona and where to start.


In my area, I'd have to become a Realtor to get a lockbox key. I'd rather eat dirt.

I understand that some local Realtor associations have associate memberships for people like appraisers & home inspectors. Some allow one-time use or use with a previous appointment.

Just call the local Realtor's association.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Down here we use the Supra Card system. Like Jim said, You do have to join a local real estate board as an associate member. It is not cheap. I pay 200 per year to belong to the board and 175 for the Supra card.

It is pretty handy thing to have, in that, I hardly ever have a realtor show up.


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There are several Realtor associations in AZ. I would shop them. Find one that's active in your area, if you market to agents. I belong to the PHX Assoc. of Realtors, but basically they don't do a whole lot for us "affiliates". they just take our money and give us our "Super Key".


It's going to cost you about $325 up front, and $125 a year (give or take). This link gives you a list of other associations.


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