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The Haunted House

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In the mid-90's I had contract to inspect several funeral homes. At nearly every location there were hundreds of urns, boxes, buckets and bottles of ashes that went unclaimed. Some were from the early 1900's. The buyer required all the "containers" be removed prior to close. Some were buried in communal grave and some went to the dumpster.

Plumbing was an issue in more than one location. I also did radon screenings for each location. The whole job was different to say the least!

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I wonder if ghosts get to choose who they haunt? If so, I would absolutely situate my undead self in a sorority house.

I've heard it's got something to do with unfinished business you had in your life. Do you have unfinished business in a sorority house? If not, school should be starting soon.

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