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Artography - Some of my Offbeat Stuff

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Thanks for all your comments. I'm convinced that HI's have true artistic appreciation. It's too bad we are so damn poor.

Marc, I'm not sure if MM was bigger or not but that's Venus de Milo's problem. She had a pretty nice bod even with one arm.

Les, thanks for all your positive comments thru the years and Happy Birthday.

Bain, I consider it an honor that you steal from me. I will try to make it easier in the future.

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Marc, I'm not sure if MM was bigger or not but that's Venus de Milo's problem.

For what it's worth, my wife and I saw an actual dress worn by MM and she was really a small lady. The dress appeared to be a "0" or "00". But proportionately she ruled.

The doll on the tracks is great.

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Marc, I'm not sure if MM was bigger or not but that's Venus de Milo's problem.

For what it's worth, my wife and I saw an actual dress worn by MM and she was really a small lady. The dress appeared to be a "0" or "00". But proportionately she ruled.

The doll on the tracks is great.

It's just a doll? What about the last pic? [:)]
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