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My Daughter

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I hope the fiance is worthy of your daughter. Did you cry because they want you to pay for the wedding?

My son is adamantly opposed to ever getting married. My daughter has selected her mate and is awaiting the appropriate amount of time to be wed. He's 10 and she's 6.

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Congrats!! Nice to hear some good news for a change. Before you know it you will be a grandpa!!

My father-in-law gave us the choice of a big wedding or a simple wedding accompanied by a big check. We had the big wedding. 21 years later as my older son ships off to his first year of college in Boston we wonder if the cash would have been a better decision!

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My daughters are hopefully a few years away from this.

Anyway, they can't get married unless they agree to take care of my wife and I when we get old. Change our diapers and stuff. It's only fair.

And their husbands can't call me dad.

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