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Introduce myself here?

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Good morning all,

at the risk of having my head torn from my neck and kicked around the forums like some soggy soccer ball by my future competitors, I wanted to stop in and introduce myself.

Looking forward to starting my Home Inspection Service here in SW PA in the next six months. Anyone want to email me their Business Plan and P&L? [;)]

Seriously though, I am looking for a Mentor. If anyone is willing to discuss privately the do's and dont's. Also, I am looking for a ride along opportunity in MD or the RTP area of NC (where I have family I can crash on, but won't be opening shop). I could visit family for a week and I can carry your clip-board, ladder, whatever and pick up lunch. Willing to sign any sort of non-disclosure, non-compete agreements.


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Hey John,

Welcome to the TIJ! I am sure several of the old timers on the board will email you their P&L and business plan.

What is your background? Have you been to a school? etc.

Search the archives here and you will get a good start.

Do you have a military backgound?

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I was active duty Marine Corps for 4 years in the the 90's. Very quiet tour of duty and I have deep respect for anyone in the Military these days.

I have been a Carpenter and Supervisor of "production style" house building for many years but the current climate has left me "working independently"[;)]

No formal school yet, but I know my HVAC and NEC knowledge could be brought up a few notches. The good news is I can read.

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