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I let my temper get the best of me last week and sorta blasted a client (not really the client - the girlfriend of the client - she put her nose where it didn't belong). Anyhow, the client's girlfriend forwarded the an email (not the most professional) to the referring party (an appraiser - her friend). The appraiser got really ticked off, called us completely unprofessional, and, is now forwarding the same email to other real estate professionals demanding our removal from the referral loop. I have apologized for the outburst, however, is the appraiser being a hypocrite?

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This sounds like we need to hear the full story!

By the way, if someone started forwarding an email of mine like that, I'd have to ask them to have their attorney look up the definition of defamation and while he/she's at it, privacy laws.

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1st rule of inspectin': Don't lose one's temper. Especially w/ the customer's girlfriend/dad/father-in-law/etc.... It's a lose-lose situation.

Doesn't matter what happened, who said what, who was an asshole, who did what, or whatever. All you can do is apologize profusely & repeatedly, and forget about salvaging anything other than a fresh start.

If you blew presence on site AND sent a bad email (huge mistake) you should also probably give them their money back.

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The situation is somewhat complex. I didn't rip into her on site. Didn't really rip into her at all. The "unprofessional" portion was following our action to refund the inspection fees and void our agreement with the client (retired builder/contractor to boot). Cheap shots came our way from the client (and girlfriend). We decided that in our best interest, we should sever the relationship (I could foresee legal problems down the road). The expectations of the client (they are a stretch) could not be met. I called her and her boyfriend "nuts" and explained if they didn't intend to use our report as intended, they shouldn't have contracted us in the first place - so we were refunding her money and good luck trying to find an inspector to fit your mold.

I'm still ticked that the referring party felt it was her place to share confidantial correspondence (that did not involve her directly) with outside parties. I don't see the professionalism in that action, thus, she is a hypocrite.

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to quote John Prine, troubador extroardinaire, from his song, "Dear Abby"

"Dear Slinger, dear slinger

You have no complaint,

You are what you are,

You ain't what you ain't,

So listen up buster, and listen up good.

Stop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood.

Signed, Dear Abby"

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No, No, No Jim...

The right song goes like this:

Do you know what you are?

You are what you is!

You is what you am,

A cow don't make ham.

You ain't what you not,

So see what you got,

You are what you is

And that's all there is



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