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  John Dirks Jr said:

I found the source. I built a workbench from rough cut oak 15+ years ago. It's on an enclosed attached porch just off of the kitchen. After emerging from the workbench legs, the beetles are traveling through the porch rafters and into the house attic where they drop down the walls and through the gaps behind the cabinets.

They're just now coming out of the legs. You mean they can lay dormant that long?

Given David L's discovery, it seems the bugs may have gone thru 5 or more generations.



Better check the Rice Crispies there, John.

Yes your bench is or has been a host for beetles as well, but I'd be more creeped out about this new discovery in the kitchen. The old-fashioned flour bin was maybe not such a hot idea after all, eh?

  davidlord said:

Looks like a sawtoothed grain beetle to me. The pointed projections on the sides makes me think so.

I think you're right. The pictures at the links that Robert posted look just like what I saw under the microscope.

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