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I may get on my soap box a bit, my apologies up front. As most of you know, I was activated for deployment and have been at my base in Spokane doing pre-deployment stuff like Anthrax, Typhoid and Small Pox shots:( Once I got to the part where they do the pre-deployment physical, I was told that my abdominal surgery from December has not had sufficient time to heal. Orders cancelled and kicked back to civilian life!

Just not a happy camper right now. Glad to be back home, but very frustrated. Ok down from my soap box for now.

  Jim Morrison said:

The truth is: If Seal Team VI didn't get their man, Rob was going to be part of Seal Team VII.

Perhaps he was part of VI - only the Shadow knows (and dead men tell no tales).

There's something to be said about staying state side too Robert, glad your back.


I can't imagine how difficult it must be to wrap your mind around, and prepare to, fly overseas where people want to shoot at you . . . and then learn that it's not going to happen.

To loosely quote the chick from Pulp Fiction: That must be freaky.


Hey, look at the bright side. If there's an outbreak of anthrax, typhoid, or smallpox, you're in good shape.

Well, that and you don't have to go to freakin Afghanistan. Nothing but good news, seems to me.


mixed feelings from the "olden days". Still I thank you for getting all those shots and being there so I can continue to carp about life in general!


I can relate - mixed feelings for sure. I did 22+ years active duty, can't say I miss it even a little, but I do miss all the traveling. I understand you and your family spent a lot of time preparing for your deployment and suddenly its all changed. Suden change is hard - even when it is probably good news. I had some big big trips get pulled out from under me within less then 24 hours of departure - I can relate.


Hi Rob,

I can relate. I know it might take you a while to get things back up to a full head of steam; especially if you let everyone know you'd be gone for a year and they'd begun calling others. That has to be the suckiest part. I have a list of names and numbers I give out to folks when I can't accommodate their schedule. If you're prepared to come to the north sound, I can replace that list with just your name and number until you get her back up and on an even keel. It might keep you hopping; I fielded more callers to alternate inspectors last month than I actually did inspections.





I can handle inspections in the greater Seattle area no problem. My King county number is (206) 930-6740.

I appreciate all of your comments and support guys. I don't think it will take me long to get the business rolling again. I have one scheduled for tomorrow and Monday afternoon. I did shoot a general e-mail informing folks that I was back and ready to work.

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