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A real awesome phone

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So I finally put down the iphone and picked up my new HTC Inspire the other day. WOW. Let me tell ya, this thing makes the iphone look like something from the 90's. Processing, looks, speed, all of it blows the iphone out of the water, way out.

If you guys are in the market for a new, powerful device, you should take a look at this thing. I will give one warning though. It has a steep learning curve, if you are not techy, don't even try.

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I'm still learning everything it can do. Like Randy said, the screen is unbelievably clear. The phone is much, much more responsive. No load/lag time on any command, push a button, things happen.

One of the coolest things is tethering your 3g/4g cell service to a laptop for internet connection. Basically using your phone as a wireless network card.

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I bought the Sprint/HTC EVO Shift about 6 weeks ago. I must say that this things does everything it suppossed to do, and does it very well. Much better than my HTC Windows mobile phone I traded up from.

6 bars of signal strength in my house (with Sprint's Airave signal booster) and no signal issues in places where I used to have 'em with AT&T. Battery life on this phoine is very good. I usually have about 35% left at the end of the day. Excellent call quality and the HTC Sense overlay just keeps getting better and better. Android has many useful and mostly free Apps too.

Two big thumbs up![:-thumbu][:-thumbu]

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I'm still learning everything it can do. Like Randy said, the screen is unbelievably clear. The phone is much, much more responsive. No load/lag time on any command, push a button, things happen.

One of the coolest things is tethering your 3g/4g cell service to a laptop for internet connection. Basically using your phone as a wireless network card.

Yes, I tether my laptop to my HTC G2 (3G network) and it works fabulously. Connects first time and every time (phone to laptop that is). It's a huge beni. Now I can shut down my USB wireless modem.

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Glad to hear this, thanks for sharing.

I just got a Blackberry flip phone trying to improve my home signal.

I am on my second Sprint Airave with two different cheap phones with lousy results even with hours on tech support.

Blackberry works well as a phone as far as signal but the interface with all the other functions are difficult for me to use with fat fingers. And I was hoping it would be more intuitive to use; but looks like I would have to commit much more time to learning to use it than I am willing. I'm planning on using the 30 day return plan and swapping it for an HTC 4G.

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It's a little frustrating. I do want to get on board with this new breed of phone but I use 3d Inspection software for my reports and the next generation of their software is only for Windows Phone 7 platforms. Every phone mentioned in this thread thus far is Android based.

Anyone have any experience with a Windows Phone 7 based device?


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I'm not very tech savvy, but this set up looks pretty sweet. Phone

I was playing with the Atrix just last night because I thought it was going to be something. It's OK, but it's like half a computer. Decent phone, half ass computer, too much stuff to lug around.

It's the wrong fusion.

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It's a little frustrating. I do want to get on board with this new breed of phone but I use 3d Inspection software for my reports and the next generation of their software is only for Windows Phone 7 platforms. Every phone mentioned in this thread thus far is Android based.

Anyone have any experience with a Windows Phone 7 based device?


Yeah, I tried them too. They're OK, but nothing special. About the nicest thing you can say is the best one's are almost as good as an iPhone.

And, it's just another web in the microsoft hairball. If my software limited me to MS platforms, I'd ditch it in a heartbeat.

Sticking with microsoft stuff is a dead end. They have not had any product success other than their stranglehold on PC operating systems. None of their stuff is the future....it's building on the past outdated model they insist of perpetuating because they don't have anything else.

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It's a little frustrating. I do want to get on board with this new breed of phone but I use 3d Inspection software for my reports and the next generation of their software is only for Windows Phone 7 platforms. Every phone mentioned in this thread thus far is Android based.

Anyone have any experience with a Windows Phone 7 based device?


I used to have a Windows 6.5 phone and all I can say is that Android blows it away. Much faster and less buggy. I've seen a lot of articles on BGR and other cellphone type sites about Windows 7 issues. It seems like their phones are not going to be able to keep up with Android, IPhone and Blackberry.

If 3D is integral to your routine you are stuck for now, but I'll bet they will release and Android version too.

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I've read and experienced the same things. Windows phones are behind the curve, late to market, and offer nothing extra or special. It's a dead system already. I can't believe 3D is going with them; it's nuts.

Android is going to hold largest market share because it's an open system and it works; Blackberry will hang on from sheer momentum and established user base; iPhone will continue to lead the way with innovations combined with excellent build quality, and will always be the phone everything else is trying to be.

HTC is going to be the "next Nokia", as it were; they make really, really nice phones. They have good designs, forward thinking, and well built.

Motorola gear is bad; no other way to say it; it's clunky crappy stuff.

The rest of the market will divvy up in the sub-players.

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I just discovered something really cool. While on hold this morning, I sat my phone face down on the table to pick up my coffee, the phone automatically kicked over to speaker phone when it's laid face down. When you pick it back up, it switches back to regular speaker mode. How cool is that?

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It's a little frustrating. I do want to get on board with this new breed of phone but I use 3d Inspection software for my reports and the next generation of their software is only for Windows Phone 7 platforms. Every phone mentioned in this thread thus far is Android based.

Anyone have any experience with a Windows Phone 7 based device?


You may want to look at the android marketplace, there could be an app that would allow your software to run (like an app that mimics the windows functions). I'll do a little digging and see what I can find for you.

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OK, so I swore off electronics a while back but caved and ordered the Thunderbolt. My contract was up at Verizon so I thought I'd take the plunge. Now I'm no stranger when it comes to electronic gadgetry, and would consider myself an advance user, but I gotta say that it is Thunderbolt 3 HLIS 0.

There is absolutely nothing that has come easy when setting this up. While the internet browser is off the hook setting up the rest of the phone is like pulling teeth.

I've been on Outlook for many moons, have all my email, calender functions and contacts on it. Trying to find, and setup a program, that syncs Outlook with the Droid is no fun. The reason I didn't go with the iPhone is due to the fact that you have to go through iTunes to get to Outlook.

I have 14 days in which I can return the phone. It may not take that long to give it the deep six and go back to the BlackBerry. I'm thinking these phones are more for entertainment than for business - by a wide margin.

Reminds me of the BetaMax / VCR battles. The only on that loses is the customer. [:-banghea

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Well..... having used the phone for a few days I must say that the technology is impressive. Going on the net is so easy vs the BlackBerry - a true pleasure. There are a lot of widgets that allow you to connect to Facebook, Twitter etc - not really my cup of tea. Also, Verizon packs it with a ton of bloatware - there is an app for Blockbuster on the phone and you can not delete it (at least not without doing a root hack). Blockbuster? Is that the last death rattle I hear?

The main problem I'm having with it now is battery drain. The stock battery, out of the box, is lasting about 6 hours - woof.

Jury is still out........

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Hey Terry, download an app called Advanced Task Killer. It will list all apps running and you can stop them all with one button. that should help you battery life. From what I can gather the Droid Os is very much like a PC, background programs running and such. Just like your laptop, you gotta keep them under control.

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