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Turn Out the Lights, the Party's Over

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Brian G is a Good Man we all know and miss

He kept the electricians on their toes

He taught us all how neutrals and grounds don't mix

Kept us up on all of sparky's ridiculous tricks

BUT was mainly a sane voice in this devient mix

of home inspectors and self appointed GODS (sorry, I couldn't make that rhyme).

In the memory of Brian, But for the grace of God we all go that way, let's put some HUMOR back in this forum!! All of you, Don't take things so damnded seriously! As somebody said, It's just a job!

Good luck Brian! I respect you alot!

(Brian, read quickly, this is likely to get deleted! This is not the same forum you used to be on!)

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As Jim,

Sush, damn, now the cats out of the bag. He's had a cover job all prepared and was even paying a guy to answer the phone and say, "Brian's out of the office right now," while he does the S.I. thing. Now we gotta delete this thread before his wife reads it and realizes what's up. [:-banghea



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So, Brian G. goes and gets a Real Job. I can see why he wouldn't want to hang with us, bad influence. We'd try to get him to come out and play when he should been doing the 9 to 5 thing.

I wouldn't want him on here, no how anyhow, him spouting off about a regular paycheck, beanies, and weekends off. Iffen my wife would see that, she make me go out and get one of them there jobs.

You could see it in his announcement that regular work has changed him. The lack of humor and wordsmithing was missing. Same kind of thing you see after a guy stands at the alter.

Good Luck Brian G. from one left behind.

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