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Home Inspectors on Facebook

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I agree, Joe and Reuben. This can't be anything but good for the profession. It's amazing how little, folks around here know about what we do or in some cases, don't know we exist at all.

Keeping it out in front of them is the key. The more "train wreck" pictures we post, the more they look, and the more they remember us when somebody suggests having uncle meanswell look at the house instead of hiring an inspector.

FB is a perfect place to educate the public and run the show ourselves.

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I agree, Joe and Reuben. This can't be anything but good for the profession. It's amazing how little, folks around here know about what we do or in some cases, don't know we exist at all.

Keeping it out in front of them is the key. The more "train wreck" pictures we post, the more they look, and the more they remember us when somebody suggests having uncle meanswell look at the house instead of hiring an inspector.

FB is a perfect place to educate the public and run the show ourselves.


Well, it might work now, while there are still relatively few inspectors with FB sites; but what's it going to be like when every inspector on the planet has done the same thing? Then looking for an inspector in FB won't be any different than trying to find one on the web.

I still don't understand the allure. What am I missing?



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I still don't understand the allure. What am I missing?



Think of it as just another marketing channel. The under 30's crowd spends much more time in front of a computer and cellphone. They tend to refer to the social media and web as their primary source for all information.

I tend to agree with Betty White when she said on SNL, what a collossal waste of time. But Facebook is free and like a webpage, if you can add a comment once a week to stay in front of people, it can be a way to generate additional leads.

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I agree, Joe and Reuben. This can't be anything but good for the profession. It's amazing how little, folks around here know about what we do or in some cases, don't know we exist at all.

Keeping it out in front of them is the key. The more "train wreck" pictures we post, the more they look, and the more they remember us when somebody suggests having uncle meanswell look at the house instead of hiring an inspector.

FB is a perfect place to educate the public and run the show ourselves.


Well, it might work now, while there are still relatively few inspectors with FB sites; but what's it going to be like when every inspector on the planet has done the same thing? Then looking for an inspector in FB won't be any different than trying to find one on the web.

I still don't understand the allure. What am I missing?



There's a link to my FB page on the index page of my web-site. There are several past clients who say nice things about me on the FB page, as well as a realtor who calls me the Deal Killer. I think that going from my web-site to FB personalizes me in the minds of potential customers, and they also see that others have taken the time to thank me for looking out for them.

No one is gonna surf FB looking for a HI, but FB does add one more marketing tool--that's free--to one's arsenal. Besides which, it's fun.

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No one is gonna surf FB looking for a HI, but FB does add one more marketing tool--that's free--to one's arsenal. Besides which, it's fun.


You have to keep in mind, it's mainly seen by personal friends and friends of theirs, so it's not like a yellow page ad or some other form of advertising. You kinda have a captive audience.

People are so Face Hooked, they can't get through the day without checking in to see what their friends are doing.

I wouldn't be surprised to see more referrals in the future from FB than from anywhere else.

It's too powerful to ignore.

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Have a question: When I write something on my Facebook business page, does it show up on the personal page or business page of those that Like my page?

Another question: Besides the website that shows up in my signature, is there anything else that needs to be there to draw more people to my Facebook business page.

My webmaster (Son-in-Law, the only reason I let him marry my daughter is he know how to do that) is working to make changes (phone #placement, Facebook logo, add credit card payment, etc, etc) suggested by Dominic at the seminar held in Chicago. I am working on more blogs, the only thing I know how to do.

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I'm certainly not the best person to answer this, because I'm still figuring out this Facebook thing myself, but since no one else has replied yet ......

Have a question: When I write something on my Facebook business page, does it show up on the personal page or business page of those that Like my page?

It shows up on their news feed. What's a news feed? I'm not totally sure, but it seems to be an aggregation of what your friends post on their walls. It's somewhat elusive. I often see it when I first bring up my Facebook page, but then there are times when I don't. I don't know how to manually bring it up. It's just as well, more often than not, I read about things in my stepdaughter's lives that I'd rather not know about.

Another question: Besides the website that shows up in my signature, is there anything else that needs to be there to draw more people to my Facebook business page.

Once or twice, I've posted on my personal page, a link to a post on my business page, in hopes of getting people to go there. I hate to say it, but more than half of my friends are agents. I first thought I wouldn't do anything with my personal page, but I got a few friend requests from agents I knew. I accepted them. Then I got to thinking, it wouldn't hurt to get my name out there, so I sent out friend requests to agents I've had contact with in the past. I've never marketed directly to agents, but this is skirting kind of close to it.

Google 'using Facebook for business'. You'll turn up some good ideas.

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I still don't understand the allure. What am I missing?



It's where hundreds of millions of people go for everything. If you consistently put yourself out in front of hundreds of millions, you are going to snag a few jobs.

The way you snag a few jobs is continually updating and being "in public" with your internet presence. It's smart and effective.

Thank God, I haven't had to do it yet.

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I went over to TIJ's page tonight and sent some invitations out to some home inspectors that had friended me on Facebook. Maybe that will get something going on that page. I'm still not sure what to do there, but I figured I ought to do something; just not sure what it should be.



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In the top right corner are three buttons. Home Profile Account

Click the HOME: takes you to your "NewsFeed" which is a list of all the stuff your "Friends" have posted on their wall and comments made on those posts. Posts on your business page show up on your "Friends" news feed. Posts on your own wall show up on your "Friends" news feeds. Just like their posts show up on your news feed.

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Mike, you may want to make a few dudes here an "Admin" of the TIJ FB Page. That way you get several folks keeping the page live. You know, delegate.

Kewl, how do I do that? I looked at my own facebook page just now and didn't see anything like that there.



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