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My name is Marianne, and I would like to know what your pricing is. I am thinking of purchasing a home approximately 2000 square feet size.

Can you e-mail or fax me a price list or brochure?

Marianne Mer

257 Farmview Drive

Macedon, NY 14502

Fax 425-9378 (boyfriends fax)

That's an email I got today. I received it right after I received an email that originated from another HI's local website. I called the other HI and asked why he sent me an email, as I was afraid to open the attachment because there was no explanantion. I've never met this guy.

He said, "I didn't send you an email" I said hmmm, must be we're both on someones mail list and they have a virus. He thought so too and we both made small talk.

Then I reverse directoried the phone number of the boyfriend's fax. It was the home inspector.

So, now do I send him my quote...what would you guys send him? I'm kind of torn between letting it go and screwin with him some. If I got caught like this I'd have come clean and said, "yeah, you caught me I'm checking the competition..so what areyour rates?"

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Just send him your rates. Along with that, tell "her" that if she's shopping based on price, she could be making a big mistake. Tell "her" to allow you to put it in perspective. Point out that although you might be a little bit higher than your competitors, the difference between your inspection and report and your competitor's is like the difference between a Lexus and a Yugo. Then ask "her" where she can purchase a Lexus at $25 or $50 bucks over the price of a Yugo. Answer - Nowhere, so don't even consider price, consider what "she's" going to be getting for "her" money.

That'll make him squirm. Bet he never encourages anyone to call around and compare his prices to others again.



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I'm kind of torn between letting it go and screwin with him

Chad, I know you want to do the latter. Send him your price list after lowering each price by $100.00. He'll drop his prices to just under yours and book all the price shoppers a pro like you doesn't want. -or- Add $100 to each price and you'll be undercutting him without dropping your actual prices.

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You guys are evil...but I like it. I'm just starting in this business and yes there were phone calls and I looked at web sites to get an idea of pricing for my own services. Undercut no way, competitive yup I figure if there is a back log on every one's schedule why would I charge less for the same service. I learned a long time ago when a friend started his garbage business. He offered same service for less money and almost went under. He charged the same or more got rich, expanded his business go figure. Moral; folks are suspect of cheap fees they'd rather pay more to feel good about what they get

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Ms. Mer, 2/17/05

Thanks very much for considering StructureSmart Home Inspection to help you make an informed decision on what is likely to be an important event in your life.

To give you a complete quote, I'll need some more details such as age, style, construction method etc. I'll be happy to discuss these details by telephone, email, or in person at my office.

So that you have an idea about what to expect, I anticipate the price on this home to be in the 500-dollar range. I'll probably be at the inspection for 4 to 5 hours and I hope you'll stay for the duration, but it's not necessary.

You'll have your report via Internet, that night or via US mail the following

day. The report will be 30-40 pages. This is not a "checklist" it is a full narrative, written expressly for your property and will include many color photographs.

One thing I'd like to make clear is that price should not be the determining factor in your decision and I'm well aware that you'll get quoted prices that are less than what I mentioned. I frequently hear "your competition is much cheaper than you are." Please let me assure you that if I had competition, they would charge as much.

I am fully booked until the first week of March. If you'd like me to work on your behalf, I encourage you to make an appointment as soon as possible as our normal lead times are ten days or more.

Thank you again for considering StructureSmart Home Inspection, Inc.

Chad Fabry




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Beware Grasshopper...sometimes those vague emails are real people looking for an inspection. I just booked one last night that I was sure was another inspector. Upcharged about $125 more than I normally do and this morning he replied and told me to book him. The office called him and got all the important info.

Sometimes you just never know!

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