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I’ve lost a 16lb bowling ball…

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I would update this.

26 lbs gone as of this morning, but more importantly (to some of you and my wife) I'm now 5 days without a cigarette. Not quite cold turkey as I am using nicotine gum, but I'm only using 5 pieces a day (4 today). I think I'm gonna make it!

So...not only have I re-discovered that I have ribs, but I also look, feel and smell marvelous. [:-eyebrow

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You are to be commended for losing so much weight and simultaneously giving up such an unhealthy an addictive vice. Congratulations!

However, you are making more than a few of us lads look bad by comparison. I have therefore taken it upon myself to counterbalance your efforts and take on a new vice of my own, thereby restoring order to our little corner of the HI universe.

Good on ya!


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