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I have been a member of ASHI since 2003. To avoid the bash session that is going to happen with this question, I recommend you just do a search on this forum and then google the same. If you google the name of the founder Iachi, you will find some not so flattering information on him. Ultimately it comes down to what works best for you.

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There was a lack of discipline with NACHI when I was a member for one year.

I never got around to submitting my 5 mock inspections. They put me on the inspector list anyway. There's a Nachi inspector here who does gutter and chimney cleaning along with home inspections. This goes against the Nachi COE, but nobody in that org really cares to enforce the rule.

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I resigned from ASHI a number of years ago but here is my editorial opinion of Home Inspection organizations from the position of a Licensed Home Inspector.

You will find that the members of the associations are very defensive of their particular organizations.

ASHI is a not for profit organization that has been around for a long time. They have a good reputation among real estate professionals. ASHI has higher membership standards than most but at the same time many of the ASHI members have an elitist position that turns off newcomers. ASHI has struggled with balancing increasing membership numbers in a licensing environment while simultaneously maintaining standards.

NACHI membership allows you to call yourself a member of a Home Inspection Organization. It is easy to become member. There has been a lot of negative press surrounding the founder. Like Robert said, do a search on this forum and you will find lots of past discussions.

Like John said, find out where the local meetings are held and rub elbows with fellow home inspectors because that is the best place to become a better home inspector. Hopefully there are local education seminars offered.

The most important thing I can share with you is that the vast majority of people that hire you could not care less what organization you should belong to.

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Why are joining a national home inspector association? What do you want the assoication to do for you? Once you decide what you want the assoication to do for you, it will help you to decide which if either you want to join. What about NAHI?

Both offer websites that list members. Both offer different levels of member "certification". Both offer online training.

I found that attending local meetings where continuing education is offered was very helpful. I joined a state wide HI association that meets within 15 minute drive of my home. They have members that attend the state licensing board meetings and provide regular updates to the members at large. They fund a state lobbist to track upcoming legislation and to help shape laws in favor of HIs. They have a website with members listed. They offer classroom training 4 times a year that meets state standards.

Most of the people who belong to ASHI claim they get at least enough referrals directly from the assoication to cover the cost of the membership.

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Many choices in Texas, but you have to do your research.

  • NAHI has very little presence/visibility in Texas.
  • ASHI and Lone Star ASHI has some presence and Lone Star ASHI often teams up with TPREIA for very good CE.
  • INachi has members around the state and one or two regional units that meet periodically
  • TPREIA is the newer Texas HI organization. Excellent for CE.
  • TAREI is the oldest Texas HI organization. Tends to be pricey.

Personally I would lean to TPREIA due to their focus on CE for the membership. My $0.02 comment about the national organizations is that I just don't think they provide the value you may be expecting ... especially in today's market. They both have their pluses and minuses, but you would be wise to build your own analysis spreadsheet for what you think will work for you.

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As others have said, you need to see what the local offerings are as well. Local chapters will give you more than you will get from just belong to a national organization. The local chapters make the organization!

My local chapter is good, not great but it is good. I'm able to get around 12+ State approved CE hours a year or about 2/3 of what I need for my license just from my chapter. I also have made several good friends and we refer business back and forth to each other as we can. Our chapter website is great and has a good listing or search for our chapter members. http://www.midtnashi.com

I do get a good number of referrals from the national search, and this more than pays for my membership in the national organization.

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I have been a member of more associations than I can even remember. In the old days there was a new association every few weeks. There are dozens as we speak and most are worthless. That said, I can endorse ASHI and TIJ. I find nearly every inspector will advise you to participate locallly and join nationally.

Some of the very finest inspectors belong to no association and most expert inspectors have joined and quit many organizations. One of my favorite people (and inspector) never joined anything!

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I have been a member of more associations than I can even remember. In the old days there was a new association every few weeks. There are dozens as we speak and most are worthless. That said, I can endorse ASHI and TIJ. I find nearly every inspector will advise you to participate locallly and join nationally.

Some of the very finest inspectors belong to no association and most expert inspectors have joined and quit many organizations. One of my favorite people (and inspector) never joined anything!

I endorse ASHI as well. Many, many benefits. That said, their forum is a joke ghost-town, moderated by, well, I better not say . . .

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I have been a member of more associations than I can even remember. In the old days there was a new association every few weeks. There are dozens as we speak and most are worthless. That said, I can endorse ASHI and TIJ. I find nearly every inspector will advise you to participate locallly and join nationally.

Some of the very finest inspectors belong to no association and most expert inspectors have joined and quit many organizations. One of my favorite people (and inspector) never joined anything!

I endorse ASHI as well. Many, many benefits. That said, their forum is a joke ghost-town, moderated by, well, I better not say . . .

Careful Jerry they know where you live![:-paperba

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