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Help for Nation's Hazard/Napadow Victims

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From the ASHI web site:

For those of you caught up in the recent E&O insurance scam, ASHI's endorsed E&O provider, BRP is offering help:

"BRP is aware of the recent insurance fraud involving home inspector professional liability. As a result of this fraud, many inspectors have most likely had a lapse in insurance coverage. And as a result of this lapse in coverage, most carriers will not honor your retroactive date.

BRP, as a service to ASHI Membership, would like to offer some help to qualifying inspectors involved in the above-mentioned insurance fraud by allowing these inspectors to keep their retroactive dates. (NOTE: I'm sure they'll do this for anyone, ASHI member or not.)

To qualify, home inspectors must meet certain underwriting criteria. If you are interested in obtaining an application, have coverage questions or would like any other further information, please feel free to contact Christy Hawthorne, the exclusive agent for Business Risk Partners home inspector program at (866) 268-1327 or online at www.inspectorinsurance.com and complete an online application noting you were involved in this scam.

We are genuinely concerned about this event and are willing to help in any way that we can."

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