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Strange Goings On

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You must have sent that picture to the ASHI Reporter to be used in Postcards from the Field. After they run in the Reporter, ASHI supplies them to Thisoldhouse.com, who then makes money off of them.

It's been a number of years since I've had a picture in PftF, but as I recall, they didn't ask if they could use it elsewhere. It's not right for ASHI to redistribute your property without your permission.

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While I'm happy that a picture of mine was posted on This Old House I've no idea how it got there.
The Reporter has been regularly noting the submissions to ThisOldHouse.com in the "ASHI in the Media" since at least 2006.

After they run in the Reporter, ASHI supplies them to Thisoldhouse.com, who then makes money off of them.
Oh really - how much do they make? Couldn't they have made this arraingment just to promote the home inspection profession and ASHI?
It's not right for ASHI to redistribute your property without your permission.
When you submit something to a publication knowing it might be published, and you don't have a signed agreement between parties stating that the submitter retains exclusive rights, the publication can reproduce and distribute without permission.
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After they run in the Reporter, ASHI supplies them to Thisoldhouse.com, who then makes money off of them.
BK: "Oh really - how much do they make?"

How the heck would I know? But since you brought it up, judging from the traffic the site gets (people who know I'm a home inspector often send me links to it) and the number and quality (major corporations) of ads, I'm sure it's pretty substantial.

BK: "Couldn't they have made this arraingment just to promote the home inspection profession and ASHI?"

I don't doubt that's why ASHI entered into the arrangement. I also don't doubt TOH entered into it to make money. That's why they're in business.

It's not right for ASHI to redistribute your property without your permission.

BK: "When you submit something to a publication knowing it might be published, and you don't have a signed agreement between parties stating that the submitter retains exclusive rights, the publication can reproduce and distribute without permission."

I didn't say they couldn't do it, I said that it's not right. We're not talking about someone submitting a picture to just any print publication. These are members submitting them to THEIR professional society's publication. I have to wonder how many inspectors who submit a picture know it will be also be given to a private company. On the PftF page of the reporter, is the statement Postcards are welcomed. Is it too much to expect an additional statement explaining what will happen to the photo after it runs in the Reporter?

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Google is the only giant making money; everyone else gets a penny a click, if that.

I've had a few of those sorts of things. What I do is say "I'm quoted on This Old House", (or whatever) and I get a little pub off it. That's all.

Be glad you got in a publication, and show it to customers.

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I didn't say they couldn't do it, I said that it's not right.
You said: "It's not right for ASHI to redistribute your property without your permission".

What's not right about it, other than Joe thinks it's not right?[;)]

I thought I gave the reason behind it in my third paragraph in post #4. I didn't mean to offend you by expressing an opinion that might differ from yours.


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