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I hope everyone who attends ASHI National has a great time in Austin.

I was looking forward to meeting many of the faces on this board this week, now it looks like our trip is off.

My father-in-law goes into a nursing home this Saturday. He's got to the point where he needs some adult supervision. Up to a few days ago he's been saying that he is looking forward to it (if you knew my mother-in-law you'd understand). Now he's been doing and saying some real strange things, even for him. My money says that he got to thinking about it and is having some second thoughts.

Anyway, my wife felt like she should stay close in case something goes wrong. She gave me the "but you go ahead dear" statements [-crzwom]

I've been married long enough to know the real meaning of that statment was.

So if you read in the Austin paper of some Montgomery County man bulldogging some old geezer, hog tying him and throwing him in back of a pickup, you may know who it is.

Have a great time everyone and take plenty of pics for the rest of us.

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