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Ahh, Salt Air, An Ocean View and Foghorn Too!!!

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This would be ultra cool. One would need the ultimate earplugs at night though or sleep ain't gonna happen. One bid so far for $10K



I can sleep thru anything. Done slept thru several hurricanes and a fire alarm (9 story hotel, not a drill, fire stopped 4 stories below me).

Only problem is: where would I park my boat?


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Les is one of the few to remember the last gasp of the old days on Beaver Island. It must have been really cool.

I remember when you could go out on any number of islands, and basically hang out for as long as one wanted. I used to go out to North Drummond, and actually have a campfire where we'd cook the fresh trout we caught......yes, that's right, I actually ate the fish I caught.......oh, the horror!

Nowadays, the rangers run you out, and the catch and release requirements mean no more eating trout for breakfast.

And yes, that goofy bridge ruins the view.

Anyone can do anything, so anyone does.

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When I look at your second photo Richard, I wonder how much better the view would be without that stupid bridge to nowhere. What body of water is that?

It's a very small lake in Woodinville, just west of 522. No name on any of the maps. It had maybe 8 or 9 homes around it. What you can see in that 1st photo is more than half of the "lake". More of an oversize duck pond.

Previous owners were coke addicts!

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Don't ask...I don't know or understand. My client told me that was only a fraction of the collection they had on display when he first saw the place.

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If anyone is feeling particularly flush and adventurous, here are some more.



This on in Staten Island went for $195K


This one in Wilminton, DE went for $150K


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