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I doubt that anyone is going to want to share that information here. Why don't you call around to inspectors in a 20 mile radius of you and find out what each gets for aa basic full home inspection on an 1800 sf home and ask them how many inspections they do a week. Most will tell you that. Do some multiplication and then some averaging and you'll know what they get in your area.



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Regarding underwear, personally, I prefer an unfinished basement, if you know what I mean......

There's no such thing as "how much do you make?"..........it's a big upside down mess of a real estate market, and everyone has different ways to make it nowadays.

Every multi-inspector firm in Chicago is down to the principal, or maybe a couple principals, and whoever else they could convince to hang around for crumbs.

In short, if you get into it, don't expect to make squat for several years. It's not a bag race, it's not a marathon, it's run flat out as hard as you can until you die.

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I can tell you that my income changes from month to month and year to year. Ups and downs, just like the housing market. One month will be slim and then another slammed.

Most new inspectors around here only last one year. They "may" have the knowledge they need to inspect, but do not know the ins and outs about marketing and business in general. Inspections are the "easy" part, the rest of the business is what can knock you off.

Be prepared to literally starve for the first 2-3 years. If you don't have that much saved up to live on, you probably won't make it. Most businesses fail because they are underfunded.

Just my .02 sense.


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Did he happen to tell you how many inspections he does a year?

If so, look at what the average inspection costs in your area and then do the math and you'll know whether he was lying or not. Most inspectors that I know who are willing to bandy their income figures around are selling wolf tickets.

I remember when I was getting into this business and was being courted by a franchise. Their recruiter pointed out that the average fee at that time was $300 and then used this as an example:

2 inspections a day, 4 days of the week time 50 weeks of the year is 8 a week or 400 inspections a year or $120,000 gross a year minus 50% in taxes and overhead and I'd net $60,000 a year.

What a steaming oozing crock.

If you do 50 honest inspections your first year you'll be lucky. Hell, in this economy you'll be lucky if you can do 100 honest inspections your second year. Like they said, expect to be living off your savings for months. Don't quit your regular job for that first few years or you'll fold.

The statistics told to me by a former trainer for the former largest inspector training shake-n-bake mill in the country told me that their business was built around the idea that they knew that 80% of new inspectors would fail within the first couple of years, therefore they knew that they'll always have new students coming in the door.

You don't seem to be willing to accept what folks here are telling you and you keep throwing out bait. It looks like you are trying to get the answers you want versus what these guys have been telling you.

I gave you the solution above; pick up the phone and do your due diligence. This is a serious board. The folks who hang out here are the most professional in this business. This is the one board where you'll get straight up in your face truthful answers; if you don't want to hear the truth, go to one of the other boards where you can get someone to blow sunshine up your butt.



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You actually believed Russell Ray?!!!

Saaaaay, I've got the deed to the Golden Gate Bridge right here and I'm kind of tired of owning it. I've decided to sell it at a huge loss. I'd be willing to take, um, let's say, about $50K for it.

Wanna buy it? Don't worry, if you haven't got the cash, I'll accept the deed to your house or your inspection vehicle as collateral.



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