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Home inspectors needed throughout the US

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I am relatively new to this forum but I have been interested in many of the topics posted. The home inspectors in our company keep tabs on all topics which they find useful.

I hope I am not breaking any forum rules but my company is looking for home inspectors throughout the US to complete initial inspections on residential properties. Our company, AirMD, is a scientific and engineering consulting firm that has home inspectors on staff. We are looking for home inspectors to work indpendently to complete home inspections and our projects are flexible around their business.

Is this the right platform to do this or should I be posting this somewhere else, I do not want to offend anyone

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I am relatively new to this forum but I have been interested in many of the topics posted. The home inspectors in our company keep tabs on all topics which they find useful.

I hope I am not breaking any forum rules but my company is looking for home inspectors throughout the US to complete initial inspections on residential properties. Our company, AirMD, is a scientific and engineering consulting firm that has home inspectors on staff. We are looking for home inspectors to work indpendently to complete home inspections and our projects are flexible around their business.

Is this the right platform to do this or should I be posting this somewhere else, I do not want to offend anyone

Give me call if you need anyone in the Nashville or Middle TN area.

615-302-1113 or email scott@traceinspectins.com

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Name: Simon Hahessy

Bio: With 15 years experience in the scientific field and a graduate of the University of Coventry England, Mr. Hahessy serves as the Scientific Director of AirMD. An environmental scientist and a Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant (CIEC), Hahessy leads AirMD’s team of field analysts and scientific personnel.

With experience in laboratory and field operations, Mr. Hahessy works in the fields of toxicology, environmental microbiology and indoor air quality. Additionally, Mr. Hahessy was a qualified instructor for the IAQA CIE, CMR and CIEC courses, was a co-host of the Environmental Health radio show on WWNN 1460 and is a published scientist in the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology and European Association of Poisons Centers and Clinical Toxicologists.

Company Information: AirMD

Scientific and engineering consulting firm that includes conducting inspecions in residential and commercial properties

You can find his link here.



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I just hope this is not someone trying to have us solicit their environmental inspection services for them or that wants us to buy their inspection kits, devices., etc..

It is my nature to be distrustful when it comes to environmental testing companies.

I think 'services' such as the "Eco-Reneration" and "Eco-Reduction" might make a bit of distrust warranted. You can link to his site from his profile to see what I'm talking about.

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I have some basic questions that I can't seem to find the answers for on your site:

Licensed, certified and accredited by whom?

You mention several times that there are no indoor air pollution standards, so what protocols are you using?

How many affiliates do you currently have beyond South Florida?

What is the investment required to become a 'testing affiliate'?

Are testing affiliates required to promote and sell your products?

Sorry, I can't determine if this is a bona fide IAQ firm with some South Florida quirks or a sophisticated "mold is Gold" recruitment.

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I just hope this is not someone trying to have us solicit their environmental inspection services for them or that wants us to buy their inspection kits, devices., etc..

It is my nature to be distrustful when it comes to environmental testing companies.

I think 'services' such as the "Eco-Reneration" and "Eco-Reduction" might make a bit of distrust warranted. You can link to his site from his profile to see what I'm talking about.
This sales techinque reminds me of the few times I received calls from long lost friends that happened to be thinking about me and wanted to know if I was interested in making a lot of money without doing a lot of work.

Typically I would be requested to attend an orientation meeting about this wonderful opportunity. I quickly learned after the first time that I had no interest in becoming an Amway Distributor.

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I am relatively new to this forum but I have been interested in many of the topics posted. The home inspectors in our company keep tabs on all topics which they find useful.

I hope I am not breaking any forum rules but my company is looking for home inspectors throughout the US to complete initial inspections on residential properties. Our company, AirMD, is a scientific and engineering consulting firm that has home inspectors on staff. We are looking for home inspectors to work indpendently to complete home inspections and our projects are flexible around their business.

Is this the right platform to do this or should I be posting this somewhere else, I do not want to offend anyone

I don't understand. At first you say that you need home inspectors to complete "initial inspections" on residential properties. Then later in the same paragraph, you say that you need home inspectors to complete "home inspections." Please explain what an "initial" inspection is and tell us what you think a "home inspection" is.

You also say that you have home inspectors on staff. May I ask who they are?

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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After reviewing the AirMD site, I'm thinking I might find myself agreeing with some stuff, and not agreeing with a lot of the other stuff.

My take is it's broad stroke IAQ testing. They do, apparently, air testing and environmental assessment for all the usual hot button stuff, including mold.

They offer a "Wellness" testing protocol......., based on more au current hot button stuff.

I've become less interested.

On the plus side, there's medical professionals and credentialed individuals involved; it's not a bunch of duct cleaners, although I'm still bothered by the Wellness testing.

I'm still listening.

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The site's "Mold Toxins and their Potential Effects" with an article from the Tuscaloosa News is a typical media terror stir which drags down on AirMD's credibility.

Basically some poor kid got an incredibly horrible disease from mold in his closet. Yup.

But anyway, if you need an home inspector in Chicagoland, give me a call. We sure as hell have alot of mold around here.


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I could be wrong but it looks like another person that hopes for an opportunity to move product here. If you go to the web site and click on store you'll see what I mean.

Agreed. I get a call a month from some lab in Florida that wants to hawk its services. Caller ID shows an 800 number so I never answer. But there's always a message from some guy telling me he wants to help me increase my revenues by 20%-30%.

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I could be wrong but it looks like another person that hopes for an opportunity to move product here. If you go to the web site and click on store you'll see what I mean.

Agreed. I get a call a month from some lab in Florida that wants to hawk its services. Caller ID shows an 800 number so I never answer. But there's always a message from some guy telling me he wants to help me increase my revenues by 20%-30%.

Dat be Le Pro Lab! They have some connection with Nicky G.

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Reviewing some of the comments identified many valid concerns based on the posting, so I am not sure if this platform can address all of the questions/concerns. I am one of the owners of the company, we are not looking to solicit anyone, we are a scientific and engineering consulting firm with two approaches to our business. We conduct diagnostic "reactive assessments" when people have issues or conduct proactive assessments "wellness" assessments to help people improve the overall environmental quality of their indoor environment i.e reduce daily exposures to chemicals, allergens and particulate matter. Also that is why we formulated a cleaning line with no synthetic chemicals in them. Home inspectors have skill sets transferable to parts of our business and if interested, can work with us on projects. We are currently expanding to multiple locations throughout the United States where inspectors collect observations and data and submit it to our scientists and engineers to generate reports.

I am sure many of you are sceptical but I was inquirying how to reach out to home inspectors (I have done this on one other forum "inspectors journal") so I could interact with those who may be interested.

For those who posted as being interested I will connect with you by providing additional information via email. I understand this is your forum and wish only to reach out to parties that may have an interest.

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