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going back to part time

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Hey (anyone),

I know Phillip.

Phillip is a friend of mine.

You are not Phillip.

It seems like a couple of months ago that he joined the inspection community. First time I saw him in person, he was a giant! Very recognizable (he did not wear suits back then).


Come back soon and often. Don't pull a Brian Goodman on us!

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Best wishes, Phillip. I've been around here awhile and, through the years, you've unfailingly been kind, civil, and even keeled. Please don't deny us your presence.

As for the anonymous poster, pay him no heed. For all we know, he's a thirteen-year-old kid eating cereal and playing video games in his Nana's basement.

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Phillip, best of luck.

A few weeks ago I was not far from stocking the shelves at Kroger's and I'm still might consider doing a part-time gig over the winter months. Thank goodness my little bride has a pretty good paying "real" job as we call it!

Indeed. Over the course of my years, as a home inspector, I've stocked shelves at night for Kroger's, delivered Pizzas for Papa Johns and fueled aircraft at the local airport, all of which were a nice and fun break. It makes you think about how truly blessed we are in this gig.

We do what we must do to make ends meet. Life isn't Vanity Fair - it's survival. And, YOU Phillip, are a fine example of a gentleman and a responsible human being.


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Richard, or whatever your real name is,

I set up this site so that every home inspector, regardless of the size of the company, the number of inspections done (or will do), the amount of training and experience, marketing prowess or lack thereof and whether full time or part time. will have a place to go where learning and sharing is the primary focus and civil discourse is the order of the day.

Every participant here; myself probably more than anyone else, has crossed the line on occasion; but there is a difference between incidental sniping where one is just venting or having the occasional bad day, and intentional calculated rudeness, and we all know the difference. You seem to continuously like to take cheap shots at folks. Maybe it's because you feel safe hiding behind a pseudonym and not using your true name. That's fine, there is no rule against it here; hell, I even have a user name here - but I sign my name, and, when I'm on another site using that same user name, I sign my full name - at least in my initial post - so that folks will know who is addressing them.

I think that if one is going to be snarky and rude one can at least have the balls to be a man about it and let the person to whom the rudeness is directed know what his/her real name is.

You might take a moment to review the rules you agreed to when you signed on here:

Decorum: Personal attacks, obscenities, or other malicious language such as racial or ethnic slurs have no place on TIJ. Such messages do little to illuminate a given topic, and usually have the opposite effect. Participants should post and respond to others professionally and courteously. If two or more participants disagree about a given topic and can't reach agreement, so be it. Their dispute should not become a battle of wills that results in endless repetitive posts and debate along the same vein wherein neither will concede the other's point. Professionals should know when to agree to disagree and drop it at that. When the Editor or a Moderator sees that a thread is leaning toward contentiousness of this nature, the Editor or Moderators will remove the offending posts and may suspend those involved or bar them from participation on the boards.

Libel or Slander: We do not allow posts that may damage the reputation of a person, product, or organization with false information. Posts that expose a person, product, or organization to public hatred, shame, disgrace, or ridicule are potentially libelous. Before clicking on the 'post message' button, we ask that users read their posts over and ask themselves whether they would say the same thing if they were present in a room full of other inspectors, as opposed to posting on an internet forum where they are safely behind their keyboards. If the answer is "No" than the post probably is not appropriate and should be rewritten so that it is.

I don't know about anyone else, but if I found a book about home inspections on the shelf in a bookstore and the author's name had been removed so I had no way to know how credible the author was, I probably wouldn't attach much credibility to that person and I certainly wouldn't purchase the book. Now that I know that you've been hiding behind a false name, I'm sure you'll understand why I'm now disinclined to listen to anything you've got to say here and I will be skipping your commentary from now on.

We think of this place as a family. I guess you just didn't want to be part of that.

Enjoy your anonymity.



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Richard, or whatever your real name is,

I set up this site so that every home inspector, regardless of the size of the company, the number of inspections done (or will do), the amount of training and experience, marketing prowess or lack thereof and whether full time or part time. will have a place to go where learning and sharing is the primary focus and civil discourse is the order of the day.

Every participant here; myself probably more than anyone else, has crossed the line on occasion; but there is a difference between incidental sniping where one is just venting or having the occasional bad day, and intentional calculated rudeness, and we all know the difference. You seem to continuously like to take cheap shots at folks. Maybe it's because you feel safe hiding behind a pseudonym and not using your true name. That's fine, there is no rule against it here; hell, I even have a user name here - but I sign my name, and, when I'm on another site using that same user name, I sign my full name - at least in my initial post - so that folks will know who is addressing them.

I think that if one is going to be snarky and rude one can at least have the balls to be a man about it and let the person to whom the rudeness is directed know what his/her real name is.

You might take a moment to review the rules you agreed to when you signed on here:

Decorum: Personal attacks, obscenities, or other malicious language such as racial or ethnic slurs have no place on TIJ. Such messages do little to illuminate a given topic, and usually have the opposite effect. Participants should post and respond to others professionally and courteously. If two or more participants disagree about a given topic and can't reach agreement, so be it. Their dispute should not become a battle of wills that results in endless repetitive posts and debate along the same vein wherein neither will concede the other's point. Professionals should know when to agree to disagree and drop it at that. When the Editor or a Moderator sees that a thread is leaning toward contentiousness of this nature, the Editor or Moderators will remove the offending posts and may suspend those involved or bar them from participation on the boards.

Libel or Slander: We do not allow posts that may damage the reputation of a person, product, or organization with false information. Posts that expose a person, product, or organization to public hatred, shame, disgrace, or ridicule are potentially libelous. Before clicking on the 'post message' button, we ask that users read their posts over and ask themselves whether they would say the same thing if they were present in a room full of other inspectors, as opposed to posting on an internet forum where they are safely behind their keyboards. If the answer is "No" than the post probably is not appropriate and should be rewritten so that it is.

I don't know about anyone else, but if I found a book about home inspections on the shelf in a bookstore and the author's name had been removed so I had no way to know how credible the author was, I probably wouldn't attach much credibility to that person and I certainly wouldn't purchase the book. Now that I know that you've been hiding behind a false name, I'm sure you'll understand why I'm now disinclined to listen to anything you've got to say here and I will be skipping your commentary from now on.

We think of this place as a family. I guess you just didn't want to be part of that.

Enjoy your anonymity.



Very well said. And now I feel guilty for accusing you of sniffing Drano yesterday.

'Course you know I was just messin' wit' ya . . .

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Phillip, I am also a part time HI not through choice. More than 1/2 of my income is now from handyman/trade type work. I love doing home inspections and will keep my license (the IL renewal fees are due, rats!) but the work is not there for me right now. Do what you gotta do and good luck.

And it's straight up of you to keep it on the real (yeah, I got kids) and be open with how your HI biz is going. I know when I first posted my Hard Times cartoon you were the one to agree to it's reality.

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Good luck in your new old job. I'm a thinking, that with your Inspector's Eyes, you'll still be doing an Inspection on every home or business you visit as a sheet metal supervisor.

Because of the economy in my area, I have had to restart my construction company. Also, the economy (and what the experts were predicting) was why I went back to school in 2008.

Ezra Malernee

Canton, Ohio

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Good luck in your new old job. I'm a thinking, that with your Inspector's Eyes, you'll still be doing an Inspection on every home or business you visit as a sheet metal supervisor.

Because of the economy in my area, I have had to restart my construction company. Also, the economy (and what the experts were predicting) was why I went back to school in 2008.

Ezra Malernee

Canton, Ohio

Hey Ezra - what are/were you taking in school?

I was thinking about becoming an astronaut as most of my teachers said I was good at taking up space.

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Terence McCann asked,

Hey Ezra - what are/were you taking in school?


I went back to school in the spring of 08 an graduated June of 09. I got a Associates Degree in Building Preservation and Restoration from Belmont Technical College. Was able to do the two year program in one year, they accepted many of my credits from my three years at the University of Akron working toward a degree in Civil Engineering.

I was thinking I could play around with school until things picked up in Home Inspections, wrong. Now I am considering going back to UofA and getting a Construction Technology Degree.

That gives me an idea. TIJ should start a scholarship fund for people studying in Home Inspection related fields. Maybe a .01 cents per word fee for every poster.[;)]

Ezra Malernee

Canton, Ohio

PS. I became a Grandfather for the first time at 3:00 AM Birmingham, England time. Cole Miller, 7lbs 10oz.

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Building Preservation and Restoration[/i] from Belmont Technical College. Was able to do the two year program in one year, they accepted many of my credits from my three years at the University of Akron working toward a degree in Civil Engineering.

I was thinking I could play around with school until things picked up in Home Inspections, wrong. Now I am considering going back to UofA and getting a Construction Technology Degree.

That gives me an idea. TIJ should start a scholarship fund for people studying in Home Inspection related fields. Maybe a .01 cents per word fee for every poster.[;)]

Ezra Malernee

Canton, Ohio

PS. I became a Grandfather for the first time at 3:00 AM Birmingham, England time. Cole Miller, 7lbs 10oz.

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[:-thumbu] Admirable indeed. Congratulations on all accounts.

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Hi Ezra,

Congrats on both counts.

Coincidentally, I just contacted the US partner to an Australian university that confers two degrees in Building Surveying last week and I just got answer back from them with some answers to my questions. Apparently, American students are eligible for some forms of financial assistance. You might be interested in what they've got to offer. See the link below.

If you guys can't open this, let me know. I had some difficulty attaching it 'cuz when I'd saved it as a Word '07 document it had a .docx extension that wouldn't allow me to attach it and I had to convert it to a Word 97-03 version.



Download Attachment: icon_adobe.gif CQU_DegreePrograms.pdf

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