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Artography - Midway III

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OK, since I'm not likely to exercise my creative freedoms by documenting such depravity, I'm thinking you need to go to the Rainbow Motel Pink Palace Fantasy Suites out @ 70-something W. Archer (same general neighborhood as these shots)...........when you see it, you'll know what to do.

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Check out the suites, particularly the "Space Walk"; it's "out of this world romance".

Unfortunately, there's not much shots of the exterior. Imagine all pink tile on a 50's theme, complete with blinking buzzing neon lites. It's an absolute time warp of weirdness.

I think it's the place I'm going to go if I decide to OD on heroin.........

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I see what you mean, but I may have been wrong about my room[:-dev3] At least I know I was in a better neighborhood, my turn of the century hotel was within walking distance of the McCormick Center.

Yeah, this place is hard on the SW side out in Midway-land, domain of the terminally out of touch. Come to think of it, it's not all that far from Evergreen Park.

It really is an exceptional period piece, somehow surviving into the 3rd millennium.

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Fiber? Protein? Does anyone really sleep during a hotel's four hour nap?

"Yeah, this place is hard on the SW side out in Midway-land, domain of the terminally out of touch. Come to think of it, it's not all that far from Evergreen Park."

Are you clueless as to how incredibly narrow minded and snobbish that remark is? Is that what Evanston does to a person where you can formulate so many real lives with such glib gibberish? How elite you must feel today.

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Mike, you're a hard case. Remember the first time we met? I didn't even know it was you, but you were inspecting the place next to my house, I sidle over to the fence, try to be friendly, try to strike up a little conversation, maybe tell you a couple things I knew about the house, and what'd you do?

You dissed me, blew me off, and generally behaved like a prick.

After that, I don't think you've ever given up the slightest bit of welcome every time I've looked at your photos and commented positively, and I've done it a lot.

Every time I've put up a helpful comment to one of your posts, you short it.

I put up a little idea in this little thread, and you decide it's so dead you need a nap.

OK, fine.

When have you ever been anything other than a typical SW-sider all pugnacious and ready to fight about whatever the topic of the moment is?

And, the idea of "elite" and having a job where one crawls around in ratshit for a living are mutually exclusive.

I don't write anything that I don't know exactly what I'm trying to say, and I think I got you just right.

You ought to pull it out of your essential orifice, and breathe a little.

You need some fiber, my inspector brother.

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My communication is apparently poor. I've always appreciated the your comments through out the years. More thank you's are in order not just to you but to most of the peolple who have helped me with or with out knowing it.

We met a long time ago and you seemed like a good guy. I am not much of a talker. I have no gift for that. You came up with, "prick." So be it. I didn't want to talk.

Sorry this boiled up like this. I will keep and open mind and do better in the friendliness department. I will agree it often needs work. People and impressions can change.

You took the nap comment wrong by the way. It was a reference to the 4 hour naps that cheezy motels offer.

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It is like a dysfunctional family. South siders think the north siders are elite. North siders think the south siders are neanderthals. Which they are.

There's a lot of crap that gets kicked in and out, and no one backs down. It ain't in us.

Factor in the HI emotional multiplier coefficient, and stuff gets out of line quick.

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Hey! It's a reality thread! [^] (Comic relief - Please don't think I like those shows.. I hate 'em. My daughter watches them which is enough to make me want to claw my way through an exterior wall to freedom.) Truthfully, I tip my hat to you both for your honesty and hope that the exchange was productive.

BTW, here in Richmond, all the alleged 'Blue-blooders live in "The West End" and everyone else is inferior - or as I prefer to put it, increasingly more real. [:-eyebrow I live in Southside, which is the next level down from "West Enders" You know.. where Ozzie and Harriet would have raised the Beaver. [:-hspin]

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