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'Take a deep breath and a drink'

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The speak and spell narration was top notch.

I too found that to be part of the quality of such an information video.[:D]

Although the line: "Does it include floors that slope a bit from settlement. That might be part of the charm." was greatest.

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I've just added Westfield, NJ to the places marked on my map to never visit. It's obvious that there must be some kind of highly toxic substance there that's causing brain atrophy and I don't want to catch it; my brain has already atrophied enough, thank you.



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I'm not clear on the exact message the guy was trying to get across. I mean, I get the downplaying of the out-of-level floors and preparing his clients for a long list of defects, but other than that, it was pretty much white noise with no interesting video.

I think Peter ordan (sic) may have too much time on his hands.

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I've just added Westfield, NJ to the places marked on my map to never visit. It's obvious that there must be some kind of highly toxic substance there that's causing brain atrophy and I don't want to catch it; my brain has already atrophied enough, thank you.



That pretty much covers my reaction as well. Huh? What's really scary is that, as Mike eludes, this video may actually appeal to folks in the area: "Beam me up, Scotty. Energize already."

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And his point was???? "suck it up"???? Does the guy really think people will listen to that line? Maybe we should write in our reports "Please understand that all homes have some level of charm, which may be why the home is not actually level, but please, suck it up, your Realtor needs the commission"

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