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PEX problems and/or pending lawsuits ?

Nolan Kienitz

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Anyone aware of any granular information regarding failure of PEX piping product itself and/or as it relates to handling/installation?

That is a multi-part question I'm sending in an attempt to collect a wide berth of data if possible.

This is not necessarily connector related (IE: 2007 Class Action on Zurn fittings) ... there is plenty of information about that suit.

I'm dealing with my client (they are not upset with me ... rather I'm their consultant source) who has had 8 leaks in a new home construction since moving in ~ November-2009.

All leaks (to date as best I can determine) have been due to small slices or slits in the PEX tubing. The slits have eventually leaked and finally failed causing more water seepage/flow and now there is mold, etc., etc..

There is a huge set of dynamics involved with some wild statements by the CEO and COO of the plumbing company and I don't want to bring them out here at this time ... just in case.

I'll repeat that I'm not a target on this one and have worked with the client and builder to resolve some of the early leaks ... thinking they were all good, but they keep happening. Obviously my client is concerned/worried.

Legal counsel has been contacted/engaged so I'm sure it will be interesting to say the least.

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The issue that I know of is the bright brass fittings manufactured in… (wait for it)… China. They seem to collect hard water deposits that restrict the flow of water. Be aware in the second picture I have my Fenix TK-11 shining through the fitting pointed directly at the camera lens. That will give you an idea of how much corrosion is in the fitting.

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The issue that I know of is the bright brass fittings manufactured in… (wait for it)… China. They seem to collect hard water deposits that restrict the flow of water. Be aware in the second picture I have my Fenix TK-11 shining through the fitting pointed directly at the camera lens. That will give you an idea of how much corrosion is in the fitting.

Involving only PEX fittings or any type of fresh water tubing material?


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Involving only PEX fittings or any type of fresh water tubing material?


Only PEX that I am aware of. It would seem that the problem could be on any bright brass fitting. I can look into it further and get you a little bit more information on the subject if you would like.
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Did a courtesy visit and met with client this afternoon. All clothes in house bagged to be cleaned as part of "mold protocol" ... still in process.

Walls open in couple of locations as repairs from recent incident are underway.

Fundamental failure has been lack of "proper fitting" installation by builder's plumber. One location has had 3 failures after repeat repairs by different individual at same plumber.

Other base-line failure was traced to a plumber (or helper) using utility knife to cut binder from roll of PEX and slicing into roll of PEX across entire roll-bundle. Lord knows now where those potential "weak" spots in the house are.

CEO of builder called this AM and advised client acknowledgment of their complaint and he was having information provided to him. He would follow up shortly.

Client is asking builder to "make them whole" (IE: take back the house and let them move on). I'm slightly hopeful that this will be the resolution. If not my client has already talked with an attorney, but would prefer not to exercise that option.

I will be involved as an EW if it goes to arbitration and client advised that whatever property is in the offing I will be their inspector.

I've had good response from several sources and will be providing a bullet list of items for my client to have as talking points with support data for the short term.

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