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melt down

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A catastrophic sequence of events that can be rightfully compared to Chernobyl resulted in the second major data loss of this year. This time was more spectacular than the last time because real smoke came out of my computer.

It's been acting funny since I admitted I was wrong over JLConline.com .

Everything that I care about except my mailing list was recovered. If you ever want to hear from me again, please drop me a short note so I can add you back.


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Hi Chad,

Is that the one you have down at the shop that is all cobbled together from parts? If so, break down and buy yourself a cheapo state of the art one from Frys or Best Buy. The cheap ones'll beat the pants off the hi-end ones of just a few years ago.

OT - OF!!!


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Originally posted by Scottpat

Three words of wisdom: Maxtor One Touchid="blue">id="size4">

Ah yes, saver of the sacred bacon that is my business lifeblood. Mine still isn't quite right for some reason, but the one time I really needed it come through, it was golden. [:-angel]

Brian G.

Back Up, Mo' Fro'!!! [:-smile_g

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We bought an Iomega "Rev" drive that uses 35 GB removable hard drives to back up our data. The software is exceptionally easy to setup and we routinely take backup hard drives home from the office so that our data is held in more than one place in case of a fire or theft.

The software automatically backs up the data whenever a new file is saved to our server.

I recommend thag everyone keep backup copies of their important data in more than one place.

The few times that we accidently overwrote or lost files, it more than paid for itself in time saved.

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Originally posted by Steven Hockstein

I recommend thag everyone keep backup copies of their important data in more than one place.

The few times that we accidently overwrote or lost files, it more than paid for itself in time saved.

Let me hear an AMEN. Backup hard drives sound expensive until you blow your computer up; then they look unbelievably cheap. A 80GB USB Maxtor One Touch w/ Retrospect Express backup software is only $159 @ CDW. Everyone get one NOW!

I've taken to copying my most critical stuff to a 1GB USB flash stick that I wear around my neck. Can't be too paranoid about data loss.

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Originally posted by Bruce Thomas


Get a fire proof file cabinet! You don't know how devistating a fire can be until you have one. I know.


Understood! But that fire is a lot less likely then a computer meltdown. Most of you guys are lightyears ahead of me in computer technology and understanding. Besides they keep changing the outside storage methods...floppy discs don't work well any more - do they?[:o)]

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