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I got a pitch in the mail today from the National Association of Commercial Building Inspectors.

It included the usual grandiose pronouncements, the promise of increased sales, and standardized flogging of benefits derived from association with other folks that crawl around in ratshit for a living.

All for only $249.

Anyone else get this? Anyone know anything about them?

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I got a pitch in the mail today from the National Association of Commercial Building Inspectors.

It included the usual grandiose pronouncements, the promise of increased sales, and standardized flogging of benefits derived from association with other folks that crawl around in ratshit for a living.

All for only $249.

Anyone else get this? Anyone know anything about them?

I received an invite from them via LinedIn and joined into the network - no charge. I was disappointed to realize through visiting the web that there aren't but a handful of members, so it's in fledgling stage. It would be nice if there was a good association with a library, and forum, etc.

I did ask Mike O about a Forum here on Commercial Building Inspections, and he said it could happen in five minutes. I suppose it would just need a moderator or two.

Probably 50% of my masonry foreman days was working on schools, prisons, warehouses, strip shopping centers, etc. My steel detailing days were completely ornamental and light commercial steel - towers, mezzanines within warehouses, etc. During slow times we did some formed and reinforced concrete foundations for office buildings. And we were a rep for Butler (I believe) metal buildings. I took the commercial building inspection course at ITA, about three years ago, which simply confirmed that I know almost everything they're teaching.

I'd be fine on structure and exterior, except (as you know), I need to catch up on flat roofing materials.

Where I'm never quite comfortable is 3-phase service, although I can hobble along. (My biggest fear with 3-phase stuff is that it will definitely kill ya! [:-bigeyes One of my friends, who is an electrician for a large manufacturing plant got lit one time accidentally and he said it felt like he was literally being pulled right into the panel or connection. He said he'd never experienced such a close call and never wants to again.) I've opened up the systems before, but lways feel that I was being stupid. I think one definitely need to be a whole lot more careful (maybe rated gloves and proper shoes) with 3-phase.

And I don't know much about specialized equipment, such as transformers, stuff uniquely for highrise buildings, restaurant kitchens and fire arresting systems, etc.

And, I've never done a project big enough to warrant getting together a team of consultants and writing a report the size of a book complete with future maintenance and operating cost projections, but Les apparently has... [:-eyebrow

So, I really haven't felt that I'd be a very competent moderator. I've really never done anything larger than mom and pop restaurants, and small office buildings and warehouses.

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I got a pitch in the mail today from the National Association of Commercial Building Inspectors.

...Anyone know anything about them?

Dale Duffy made it up. John Bowman is the "Director". Their address is a UPS store. Nuff said.

That's the guy, Dale Duffy. When I got the LinkedIn invite, I was a bit encouraged, but when I visited the web site, it wasn't very impressive. The search goes on...

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