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Oh fer...New Japanese Fashion Fad Soon to Hit US

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Hi All,

Those of you with sisters, daughters and favorite nieces - and maybe even some of you with adventurous wives - aren't going to like the newest fashion fad that's hit Japan and could soon be seen in a mall near you. What you see in the photos below are not see-thru skirts. These are actually prints on skirts to make it look as if the wearer's panties are visible. They are the current rage in Japan! I'm posting this here so that you'll know what it's about and won't have a heart attack the first time your little princess is headed out the door wearing one of these for a date with that guy you don't like.



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Thanks for keeping us up on the new fashion trends Mike. Curious, what were you searching for when you came across this?

SFC Paul Everett who was SGT Everett and my 3rd Squad Leader in ODS sent me that via email. I still stay in contact with a lot of the guys I served with over the years - even my first permanent party platoon sergeant.



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Yer right, Robert. America has it's very own fashion trend. And it's already caught on all over the place. Well, at Wal-Mart at least!

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Courtesy of www.peopleofwalmart.com

Of course, around here we've started with the front version. Would be nice if it was kept age appropriate for the image.

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Do ya ever wonder where the hell all this is going. Might just as well go back to the garden of eden before the fig leaves!


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Ain't that the truth,

When I was a kid, we took a cooler to the beach and my mother would make sandwiches and we'd have a picnic on the beach. Lots of thin folks around; the occasional heavier matron or two or old geezer.

When I was a young adult my girlfriends and I would do the same.

25 years ago I started noticing that there seemed to be an awful lot of "larger" women showing up on the beach in much higher numbers than previously.

Today I avoid the beach; or, if I intend to go, I eat at home before going because I don't want my appetite to be spoiled by some of what I'm going to see there - one example being the "very large" women wearing thongs somewhere under all of that........flesh, and/or guys that are heavier than me walking around in speedos. [:-yuck]

I dunno; at least when guys have to leave it to their imagination they might not be uh, er, excited to the point of doing something really stupid, but I could see this latest fad out of Japan as being misinterpreted as some kind of an invitation or badge of being "easy." I can imagine that some young ladies who want to be one of the "cool" ones might find some sickos following them home or even attacking them after seeing them wearing one of these skirts.

This is worse than the friggin baggy pants underwear showing craze that swept through a while ago.



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I went to the Frontier Museum here in Staunton VA and watched a chick waltz up to a wedding wearing a sheer skirt that revealed that she apparently had thong or no underwear - couldn't decide. But you could see her two shirts tucked down into her skirt, but nothing below that but buns. I thought that was pretty tacky.

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We need a vomiting smiley.



I'll second that. That kind of attire is reserved for Elle MacPherson, Bo Derek and the likes. [:-tophat]

(actually, the last picture makes me think of the little canvas sacks that drape behind the carriage horses in New York City... ) [:-splat]

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I'll second that. That kind of attire is reserved for Elle MacPherson, Bo Derek and the likes.

Who the heck are Elle MacPherson and Bo Derek? How old are you anyway?

Too old, and more addicted to the Discovery and History Channels than regular TV. [:-propell

Still able to approach a birthday cake, without being driven back by the heat, but just barely.

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