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Hi Jimmy,

Well, contrary to what you all must believe from my rants in this thread, I don't have anything against progress; I just don't like stupid stuff that's done in the name of progress - stuff that urges everyone to hurry for the sake of hurrying and nothing else, which cell phone use is complicite in - time-wasting childish stuff like twitting or tweating or however the twits communicate with each other, the brain-numbing video games that kids are spending their whole childhood staring at instead of getting outdoors, and other nonsensical crap. People are allowing their whole life to become wrapped up in handheld gizmos and the gadgets and apps that one can download to those.



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I have a twitter account, myspace and face book also. They are suppose to help with web site rankings and with Google's 200 or so ranking criteria you can never tell...... My daughter set up my twitter and face book accounts....You should also create a Plaxo and Linkedin account as well. I have a Excel spreadsheet just to keep up with all the user names and passwords.

Oh yea, you should be blogging on all the major blog sites also, do it at night between 11 & 1am like I do...

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