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WTH is this?

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As the cruise ship moved into Ketchikan I couldn't help but notice a barn that looks like the chest of a victim in an Alien movie. Anyone got a clue what wanted out so bad. At first I thought it was a boat of some kind, but now I don't think so.

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Yeah, it's a boat. My guess; it was sitting rightside up on the floor being worked on when the floor collapsed and it went nose down, the prow hit the ground and then the hull went stern over against the doors, the doors were knocked open and it fell over onto the rest of everything above the bowline and flattened it out.

Betcha somebody was pissed when they walked into that building and found that.



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A variation of Mike's: It looks like the tide comes halfway up the piers and so I would guess it's a boat house. That is, no floor in the center section so a boat could drive in. I would expect some type of sling arrangement inside. It's possible that one side of the sling closest to the door failed and the boat ejected itself out the doors, twisting as it did so.

Guessing is fun!

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Hi Rich,

Yeah, I'd seen the water line and considered that. I was even imagining that someone had shoved a couple of planks across under the keel to sort of between tides dry dock her and the boards broke and over she went. Either way, someone's pissed.

Are you gonna bid on that old Cris Craft?



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This thread reminded me that the summer cruise season for the Alaska Marine Highway System is about 60% gone by.

There's still time to book space, though; if anyone is looking for an economical way to see the Alaska coast. The AMHS is unique, you get on a ferry and can pitch your tent on the upper deck, sleep in the tent, get off and do some local exploring, get back on and move to the next town. For those who drive, right now the driver's fare is free.

The ferrys have movie theaters and showers and restaurants. It's not like a "cruise" cruise though; it's more like a moving campground with the town around the campground constantly changing. It's far cheaper than a "cruise" cruise and for some, the idea of a relaxed laid back vacation without fancy dinnerware and stewards and all of the other trappings of a "cruise" cruise is the way to go.

Check it out: http://www.dot.state.ak.us/amhs/index.s ... dium=email




Right now is the busy season for inspectors. For those of you who have a little more grit in you, the AMHS has a fall schedule. You'll be looking at 20°F temps and will want to either book a stateroom (more like closet really - kind of like on European trains) or bring your cold weather camping gear.

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