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Hey Folks,

I was wondering how many perform lighting audits as a subset? With the ban on incandescent lights 17 months away - I wonder how many are knowlegable regarding this change or even aware. Could you as an energy loss "expert" converse about what constitutes a quality SSL product - could you discern what makes a GREAT Led vs the type of thing seen at a big box store? While this may not be on everyones radar- as a solution provider- I'm glad I can speak with a high level of knowledge, there is a definite advantage to being aware of what is a growing area and not appearing oblivious, after all its the 21st century why would anyone be using Cfls or incandescents ?

- Just asking-


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Hey Folks,

I was wondering how many perform lighting audits as a subset? With the ban on incandescent lights 17 months away - I wonder how many are knowlegable regarding this change or even aware. Could you as an energy loss "expert" converse about what constitutes a quality SSL product - could you discern what makes a GREAT Led vs the type of thing seen at a big box store? While this may not be on everyones radar- as a solution provider- I'm glad I can speak with a high level of knowledge, there is a definite advantage to being aware of what is a growing area and not appearing oblivious, after all its the 21st century why would anyone be using Cfls or incandescents ?

- Just asking-

I thought the date was in 2014. Starting with the 100w in 2012 and ending with the 40w in 2014.

I wonder what kind of bulbs will be used in ovens, microwaves, freezers, etc.... Affordable CFL's and LED's do not do very well in extreame temps.

What is SSL?

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SSL is Solid State Lighting- your dates are correct but starting in late 2011 supply houses+ distributors

will be working with a ticking clock, once their buying starts reduced numbers of the old and increasing

% of SSL on shelves will start tipping the balance ( ON MERIT)Some adapt quicker then others.

As to the use of

Led lamps in Freezers/ Refrigerators - I've been using a Led bulb in my fridge for years, why would any

logical person put a heat producing light -in a box you want to keep cool, Leds don't like heat and so

I only have the 2 oven bulbs left - Thats a minor issue relative to SSL usage

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