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I'm moving to WA...

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Well, maybe not, but after spending a few days in Seattle with highs in the mid 70's....sure beats the 110 heat index I've come home to.

To all who have never been, Seattle is a very cool town. No pun indented. Pike Place Market was neat. My wife could not believe how cheap the flowers were. Oh, and the gum wall......[:-crazy]

All the locals were talkative and nice, kinda like here in KY, minus the accents[:D]

I've got some great pics from AK, including some SCARY house pics I'll get around to uploading. And if you heard about it, I was on the boat that hit the humpback whale, and yes, I have video of them pulling it off the front of the boat.

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Are those "scary" houses on stilts on the side of a hill in Ketchikan? If so, I know what you mean!

As for our weather here. Yep, you came at the right time. It's been just about perfect here for the last couple of weeks or so. However, that's after enduring the wettest, coldest spring I can remember. In fact, if you ask most folks around here they would probably say "Huh, what spring? We didn't have one! We went directly from winter to summer this year."

Still, glad you enjoyed it.

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Elephant and Castle??? It was something like that. We wanted to sit outside and enjoy your beautiful weather. BTW, the "Alaskan" brew out of Juneau is good stuff, too bad we can't get it here.......

Here's a small sample of a AWESOME pic...... How many drunk people have fallen out of that hot tub?

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