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McKissock Online CE for ASHI

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Does this mean I won't see you in Pittsburgh?

I've done three of their courses and have three to go. The courses are just OK (barely stimulating), but I suppose if you need the CEU's it works. That's never my case. As I've said, I'm a learnaholic. I do crap like that just for sh*ts and giggles, averaging about fifty to 80 CEU's a year. At the very least, just for an excuse to travel, I seem to do twice the seminars I need to. If I'm not hiking, mountain biking, snowboarding or traveling, I'm doing a course or watching Discovery or History Channel.

You know you wanna take one... and I could use a fellow closet McKissock Online junkie.

"Input, Stephanie, Input."

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I was set to go until their flyer came in the mail. 3 nights for the hotel, course registration, meals vs. 185.00. I can't justify the extra $$.

So far the courses are meh but it'll get me the 20 plus save a bunch of green. I like saving money.

I'm a big fan of Discorvery, the History channel & PBS. If it weren't for these I would have very little use for TV. I have no stomach for "reality TV" [:-yuck] Ozzy Osborne & Black Sabbath were pretty cool in 1972 but a TV show?? What rubbish.

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Two years ago I was short of CE's so I went with Mckissock. It was cheap, easy and pain-free. It was absolutely worthless as far as educational value, but did get my needed CE's.

As I recall. I got 23 credits for around that price. I completed the courses on my laptop while watching TV. Each 1 hour module took about 10 minutes, because I didn't actually read the material, but just skimmed over it (amazed at how dumb, irrelevant and just plain wrong most of it was), then took the test. After you pass the test, you print your CE certificate.

When you finish, they ask for feedback. I i left a fairly detailed list of shortcomings. I never heard back from them.

Would I use them again? Sure I would. I've sat though in-person courses that were just as irrelevant. Those cost me my time as well as more money.

Back in my early years, I used to get more than twice the credits I needed per year. Not any more. Really useful education seminars are few and far between. My favorite, the Hudson Valley ASHI Old House Seminar doesn't seem to be held any more. I now get much more real education on my own, through this board and to a lesser extant, from other online sources. I look at ASHI's CE requirements as a necessary evil. This year I'll be satisfying it with Certainteed courses. I'm looking forward to actually learning from them.

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Two years ago I was short of CE's so I went with Mckissock. It was cheap, easy and pain-free. It was absolutely worthless as far as educational value, but did get my needed CE's.

As I recall. I got 23 credits for around that price. I completed the courses on my laptop while watching TV. Each 1 hour module took about 10 minutes, because I didn't actually read the material, but just skimmed over it (amazed at how dumb, irrelevant and just plain wrong most of it was), then took the test. After you pass the test, you print your CE certificate.

When you finish, they ask for feedback. I i left a fairly detailed list of shortcomings. I never heard back from them.

Would I use them again? Sure I would. I've sat though in-person courses that were just as irrelevant. Those cost me my time as well as more money.

Back in my early years, I used to get more than twice the credits I needed per year. Not any more. Really useful education seminars are few and far between. My favorite, the Hudson Valley ASHI Old House Seminar doesn't seem to be held any more. I now get much more real education on my own, through this board and to a lesser extant, from other online sources. I look at ASHI's CE requirements as a necessary evil. This year I'll be satisfying it with Certainteed courses. I'm looking forward to actually learning from them.

I believe it was Certainteed that had a Master Roofing Certification course a few years back, that was pretty cool. They sent you a course reference manual, which was useful. I had forgotten about Certainteed. Thanks for reminding me. I don't suppose the Cerainteed courses offer credits do they?

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I was set to go until their flyer came in the mail. 3 nights for the hotel, course registration, meals vs. 185.00. I can't justify the extra $$.

So far the courses are meh but it'll get me the 20 plus save a bunch of green. I like saving money.

I'm a big fan of Discorvery, the History channel & PBS. If it weren't for these I would have very little use for TV. I have no stomach for "reality TV" [:-yuck] Ozzy Osborne & Black Sabbath were pretty cool in 1972 but a TV show?? What rubbish.

Well, rats, Terence!

I was looking forward to Pittsburgh - fun town. I may still go. Don't need the CEUs. I'm aready over at about 25 or so...

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I had forgotten about Certainteed. Thanks for reminding me. I don't suppose the Cerainteed courses offer credits do they?

Yes, they are ASHI approved.

Maybe I'll see you in Pittsburgh next year. Since the Hudson Valley seminar went away, I've wanted to replace it with the Pro-ASHI seminar. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to justify it for the same reasons Terry outlined. I'm in PA, but Pittsburgh is on the other side of the state, 300 miles away.

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Well, rats, Terence!

I was looking forward to Pittsburgh - fun town. I may still go. Don't need the CEUs. I'm aready over at about 25 or so...

I'm sorry Mike but I just can't justify spending the extra cash. Rather put it towards IR (or my next vacation).

I'm with Joe - I get a lot more out of TIJ, on a daily basis, than I can anywhere else. Too bad our participation doesn't go to CE.

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