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Thomas O. Maynard

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Everything posted by Thomas O. Maynard

  1. Thanks Mike, I will check it out. Does Doug Hansen's Book have a title? Tom
  2. Could someone give me the name (if one exsists) of a book on grounding. It seams this subject of electricity should have a book written solely on its specific theory's Thanks, Tom
  3. Combining the above post: (1) If one would eliminate the path of moisture movement to the space in question, there should be problem. (Air sealing, vapor retarders, proper site drainage & crawl space elevation in relationship to the exterior grade) (2.) Condition the space in question. (Mechanically control the temp.relative humidity and ventilation)there should be no problem. No hole - No moisture - No problem. Crawl space vents might be alright if they were controlled mechanically. Opened or closed depending upon the specific conditions of the temp. and relative humidity of both the outside air and the inside air of the crawl space. Practical maybe not. I like the condition crawl space theory myself. That is until one of can convince me other wise.
  4. To all, Looks like some great information here.I will look into Inspection Training Associates. Thanks for your time. Tom
  5. Hi, I am a residential builder/remodeler/ carpenter/mason. I have been in this buisness for some 23 years.I have always been interested and studied the science and technologies of building. As I grow older I see a time coming when a slight change in my career direction could be in order. Could some one suggest how I could get involved in the Home inspection Buisness. Possibly courses schooling ect. Thanks, Thomas Maynard
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