ok guys i am new here and im jumping thur the hoops of getting my lic, well all is going well taken my 90 hrs of classroom training , sat thur a report writing seminar, and have taken my national exam all is good , but next comes the 30 hrs dead training for a fee of 750.00 for 30 hrs what a crock actually attend 16 hrs and credit for 30 the instructor on the first day read the standard to us and ad libs so much bs about himself we did not even look at a thing , then here comes sunday same thing no training just looked around a old commercial building , then the next day we watched him inspect a home which he did not even do to the standard example heater in closet very easy to check asked him show us how u check a furnance he said just turn it on , i asked arent you going to take the covers off and inspect the chamber and burners he said that is not in the standard which is not true . so you guys tell me what to do just dont say anything to the board or bring it up, I think it is a crying shame and a scam all this training and then trying to get a another guy to let me ride with him for 10 inspection when they dont even follow the standard them self OK i think i got that off my chest ,, Tell me what u think