I have recently moved into a 5 year old townhouse in CA. A bath above a bedroom apparently leaked at some point and water came through a ceiling corner in this bedroom. There was about 1 sq ft of mold growth on the ceiling corner surface which I have recently cleaned up and will be inspecting behind the drywall this weekend. I am posting about some dark spots that I recently noticed on the walls in the same bedroom, but away from this ceiling-corner. The spots are vertically aligned, but on only 2 walls, so I assumed they were from some type of poster-hanging-putty the previous owners may have used. However I see some yellow around the dark spots which has me concerned a bit. Any idea from the pics? Putting up to a blacklight, the yellow color really stands out. I checked in the attic and don't see any signs of water damage to the walls with these 'spots'. Also I never even noticed these spots until a few days after I cleaned up the mold in the ceiling corner; could mold spread and grow if there is no moisture issue? I've been reading through these forums and it's been a great resource. Thanks for your help. Download Attachment: IMG00216-20100413-2310.jpg 558.56 KB Download Attachment: IMG00217-20100413-2311.jpg 420.91 KB Download Attachment: IMG00220-20100413-2312.jpg 599.35 KB