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Everything posted by safoo

  1. I just finished cleanup of some mold in my townhouse in Dublin, CA. It was only a couple of square feet. Now I wanted to have everything checked out by an inspector to ensure I did the cleanup properly before I close the walls and also to ensure all areas are safe to live in (for my own peace of mind). Any suggestions on how best to find an inspector who 'gets it'. I'm generally not contacting companies that do both inspections and remediation. How much testing should be done? What should typical costs be? If you know of a good inspector in Dublin, CA please let me know as well (if this question is against forum rules please advise). Thanks.
  2. Good to hear. If I didn't know of the mold problem in the home, I would not have thought twice about these marks on the wall. I will say I just came across this forum, but I think I agree more with the views towards mold on this site more than any other. Thanks for the info and I will continue to check in as I try to complete remediation of my current mold problem.
  3. I have recently moved into a 5 year old townhouse in CA. A bath above a bedroom apparently leaked at some point and water came through a ceiling corner in this bedroom. There was about 1 sq ft of mold growth on the ceiling corner surface which I have recently cleaned up and will be inspecting behind the drywall this weekend. I am posting about some dark spots that I recently noticed on the walls in the same bedroom, but away from this ceiling-corner. The spots are vertically aligned, but on only 2 walls, so I assumed they were from some type of poster-hanging-putty the previous owners may have used. However I see some yellow around the dark spots which has me concerned a bit. Any idea from the pics? Putting up to a blacklight, the yellow color really stands out. I checked in the attic and don't see any signs of water damage to the walls with these 'spots'. Also I never even noticed these spots until a few days after I cleaned up the mold in the ceiling corner; could mold spread and grow if there is no moisture issue? I've been reading through these forums and it's been a great resource. Thanks for your help. Download Attachment: IMG00216-20100413-2310.jpg 558.56 KB Download Attachment: IMG00217-20100413-2311.jpg 420.91 KB Download Attachment: IMG00220-20100413-2312.jpg 599.35 KB
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