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Everything posted by edteach

  1. Not really. LP's product is oriented strand board. It's a completely different animal from the hardboard product in your picture. - Jim Katen, Oregon I just got off the phone with Randy Macie from LP and he said that they still produce fiber board exactly as it looks in my photos and OSB smart board under the brand name SMART siding. I was told that what I saw and photographed at lowes is a current product. I also found that there are still law suits agianst this product "smart siding" I have been told by three techs at LP that this is Abtico that they are 99.9% sure. If you look at the web site I posted abtico used the dot matrix in that form for their markings. Here is the kicker I do not understand, in Kansas Wichita metor area and sourunding subs, 90% of homes have this crap on them. and they act like vinyl siding is some type of garbage. I have worked in Florida, Michigan, Arkansas and other parts of the country and vinly works. The salt in the wound is that cost of hardiboard is 86 cents a SF and the louisiana pacific fiberboard is 1.06 a SF, I have installed both and they both cut with a carbide blade. They paint the same and I have no idea why anyone would put on fiber board even if it was half price not to mention more! Kansas is full of crazy things and people.
  2. I took off a couple of boards and this is the best mark I can find, I sure looks like ABTCO to me. Click to Enlarge 38.24 KB
  3. Not really. LP's product is oriented strand board. It's a completely different animal from the hardboard product in your picture. - Jim Katen, Oregon I have done a lot of research, here is a photo taken at my local lowes and this product is LP smart siding,, So the myth that only masonite makes that type of board with the waffeling and fiber is not true. The texture is not exact but it is the closest thing I have seen. And if you look at the page here with the link supplied from the Abtico/abtco class action claims page you will see the same dot matrix writing, my writing is just not that pronounced. http://www.abtcoclaims.com/product_id_A ... codes.html Click to Enlarge 61.76 KB Click to Enlarge 30.52 KB Click to Enlarge 25.3 KB
  4. I agree, I have no idea why any contractor or home owner or for that mater any inspector would pass this crap as legal. It is a good poster for why lobbyists should be illegal. My neighbor who is construction challenged who has the exact same siding as my said he did not know about vinyl. Really? you mean the stuff that has been up on mobil homes for 25 years and is like new? But you like the crap falling of your home.
  5. Its a press board used in many things, depending on the resin used. LP stlll makes this same crap called smart siding.
  6. photo of the face, I called LP and sent them the photos and they said it was abtco/abitibi It looks a lot like the backing and dot matrix writing from that company on their class action web site. They are still open on the class action and I have the forms to fill out. I wish it was readable. And it takes 3 months to get a settlement Click to Enlarge 52.26 KB Click to Enlarge 29.39 KB
  7. I am having a bit of trouble identifing a lap siding product. I think it is either abitibi or masonite but not sure and the ink mard is almost unreadable. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Click to Enlarge 95.16 KB Click to Enlarge 12.15 KB Click to Enlarge 11.06 KB Click to Enlarge 25.62 KB
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