I am not exactly sure what you are looking for but here is my $.02 I am also going to make the assumption that this house is post and pier and does not have a foundation. 1. White fungal growth under the vapor barrier is nothing to worry about. I see it all the time. 2. Posts that have decay should be replaced. If the pads aren't 6" above grade recommend using pressure treated lumber for posts. Cut ends should be treated with appropriate end cut solution. There should also be gasket material between posts and footings to prevent wicking of water from the concrete. 3. What is the grading on the exterior of the home. The soil should slope away from the structure to keep surface water from running into the crawl. Where do the downspouts discharge? Will this water run into the crawl? 4. These are not powder post beetles. Powder post beetles typically infest hardwoods such as oak. Since the framing is probably fir this will be an anobiid beetle, common name is death watch beetle, and no they are not gone. From the picture it looks like there may also have been some damp wood termite activity. It is hard to tell because the picture is blurry. With anobiids all heavily infected wood should be removed. Once repairs have been made all the insulation should be pulled down and all exposed wood should be treated by a pest control operator. They will usually spray everything with a borate solution. This won't kill the larve in the wood but once the beetles emerge and lay eggs the treatment will kill the eggs and break the life cycle. 7. As long as the crawlspace is properly vented and there isn't standing water on the vapor barrier there should be no need to heat it. I hope this helps. John