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Everything posted by firozhirji

  1. Plumber just installed a delta shower/tub unit (dryden series) . Hot water temp is not hot enough -120F compared to 130F - 140F at other faucets. The shower unit has a temp and volume control lever. Temp control has a lever and can be set after remove the lever to the highest set. This is still not adequate to give the desired hot water temp. Any thoughts on how to increase water temp?
  2. I will try and answer all the replies in here: Tech checked the thermostat. The fault code was 3 but was not produced while the tech was there (like a car problem that disappears as soon as you get to the garage and comes back as soon as you leave the garage!!). The tech checked the pressure switch and checked the blower and ventnor motor. The tech checked all the pipes --including the runoffs for the condensation in the vent pipe. He could only think of the pipes being 2" instead of 3". I have attached the pages from the manual that says 3" pipes are needed for 112 MBT units Download Attachment: page 14 001.jpg 560.01 KB Download Attachment: page 15 001.jpg 754.18 KB
  3. Blower comes on for 20 secs.
  4. I have a YORK furnace - Ultra Diamond 95 installed in 1996. It is a variable speed two stage furnace rate 112, 000 Since day one we get it comes on runs 20 secs and turns off. We have had a number of service persons come out to check and no success. Finaaly, I spoke to York and they sent out a tech who checked the following: 1) intake and vent pipes for blockage 2) control board 3) pressure switch 4) ventor motor 5) condensate drain He said all was fine -- left the furnace running and of course it stopped as soon as he left. But he did recommend changing both the intake and vent pipes to 3inches. They are 2 inchees now. Should this be done? The quote was $300. Thanks
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