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    Professional Home Inspector

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  1. Thanks for the replies, I noted all of the defects in my report including improper panel cover screws, just wanted to share the pictures with like minded folks. Anatol
  2. The double taps were for a surge protector installed in the panel.
  3. Ben, I'll let you know, I just got one of off Ebay. Were you bidding against me? Anatol
  4. Fellow Inspectors, Would you consider these temporary repairs or a permanent install? Click to Enlarge 35.16 KB Click to Enlarge 33.46 KB Anatol
  5. Original ITE panel At least they kept the aluminum away from the copper... So how many neutrals can you fit into one terminal??? Click to Enlarge 52.9 KB Click to Enlarge 68.1 KB Thanks for looking Anatol
  6. This service panel was just recently installed and permit approved. It appears to have been moved from another location... Panel screws Click to Enlarge 46.9 KB Missing Anti-Oxidant Paste Click to Enlarge 56.74 KB Un-Protected Openings Click to Enlarge 41.26 KB
  7. Here are a couple of shots of the horizontal unit. Cat IV Click to Enlarge 32.58 KB Click to Enlarge 58.36 KB Click to Enlarge 57.1 KB The last two both have the drain line running up hill to clear the pan to get to the drain line. Click to Enlarge 35.04 KB This shot shows the basement condensate line entering the waste stack, there is not trap below the entrance to the stack... Anatol
  8. I had a home with 2 new Gibson gas fired HE furnaces. Both of them were leaking condensate. Has any noticed this, is it a trend? Anatol
  9. Another client that did not read the report...
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